Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 77
Public debate:
Climate Change and DevelopmentThe role of Development Cooperationin the follow-up to Copenhagen?What role does development cooperation play in the fight against climate change? Howcan adaptation to its adverse effects be further integrated into development policies andstrategies? How does climate change relate to other important development issues suchas gender equality and empowerment of women?As the eyes of the world are turned towards Copenhagen and COP15, you will get anunique opportunity to discuss these and other climate and development challenges withEU Ministers for Development Cooperation as well as Ministers from developingcountries at apublic debate 14 December 2009, 14.00-15.00, in Copenhagen.The event is jointly organized by Ms. Ulla Tørnæs, Danish Minister for DevelopmentCooperation and Ms. Gunilla Carlsson, Swedish Minister for Development Cooperationto highlight the important links between climate change and development. BothMinisters will participate in the open panel debate together with other Ministers fromthe EU and key developing countries.Practical information:Time:14 December 2009 14:00-15:00Place:Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2G, 1448 Copenhagen K. 2-3 min walk from Metro stop“Christianshavn” (walk towards city centre, right before bridge).Language:EnglishEntry/registration:Participation is free of charge. COP15 accreditation not needed. For logisticalpurposes, registration is preferred to [email protected] no later than 11 December 2009 at 14:00Contact:For further information please contact [email protected] or +45 3392 1519