Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 64
Visit to Ghana by Danish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (URU)29 November to 4 December 20091.a ProgrammeDateSunday 29 November19.50Monday 30 November8.30-9.30ActivityArrival KL 590Possibly evening drinks at African Village, La Palm.ActivityMeeting with Mr Ishmael Yamson,President’s EconomicAdvisory Council.The Government’s new draft Private Sector DevelopmentStrategy, which will be funded by Denmark and others.Briefing on Ghanaby Danish Embassy, Stig BarlyngObjective/Issues
Objective/issuesTo discuss modalities for support to developmentof the private sector (which is not a traditionalsector).Venue: Hotel La PalmBriefing on political and economic situation inGhanaVenue: Hotel La Palm
10.30 -11.0011.00-12.0012.00-13.00
BreakBriefing on Denmark / Ghana development cooperationby Danish Embassy, Jan PoulsenLunch at La Palm
Aid Effectiveness in Danish development coopera-tion with Ghana and the Accra Agenda for ActionVenue: Hotel La Palm
13.00 – 14.30
Briefing on North-South divideby Dr. Sulley Gariba,Development Policy Advisor, Office of the President.
The new government has created the SavannahDevelopment Authority to promote poverty re-duction and conflict resolution in the poor north-ern part of Ghana.How can jobs be created for the youth inthe North within the private sector incl. ag-riculture?What will be the role of development part-ners?Venue: Hotel La PalmDiscussion of aid effectiveness including:How to promote division of labour amongdevelopment partners;A new Joint Assistance Strategy?Possible links between Multi DonorBudget Support mechanism and WorldBank?Venue: Hotel La PalmVenue: Danish EmbassyMeeting Danish nationals, relevant Governmentrepresentatives and development partners.
14.30 – 16.00
Meeting with development partnerswho have signed theJoint Assistance Strategy
Transport to EmbassyMeeting Embassy StaffReception by URU at Danish Ambassador’s residence
19.00 +Tuesday1 December6.30 – 8.008.0010.00-11.00
Transport to HotelActivityCheck out from La Palm and breakfast (t)Departure for field visit to Volta RegionVisit to West African Fish project at Lake Volta(t)
Briefing by Anders Nielsen and Martin Rømer.West African Fish is an example of successful col-
laboration between a Danish and a Ghanaiancompany with a positive impact on local employ-ment, technology transfer, local infrastructure de-velopment and food security.11.00-12.00Light lunch (t)Have a taste of the fresh Telapia with some pastasalad.
Departure for Kpando districtMeeting with District Office in KpandoDeparture for Agudzi Village in Kpando districtVisit to rural feeder roads project and to water and sani-tation projects accompanied by locally elected membersof District AssembliesHow improved water and sanitation facilities andrural roads improve living conditions in the com-munities.Visit to old water source (pond)Traditional drumming and dancingMeet key persons in Kpando district office – cour-tesy visit.
Departure for Ho
Meeting with the Volta Regional Ministerand the Chair-man of Steering Committee for Local Service Delivery andGovernance Programme (t) at the Regional CoordinatingCouncil in the regional capital Ho
Briefing on challenges in Ghana’s decentralisationprocess where Denmark is a leading developmentpartner.
Transport to Chances HotelCheck in at Chances Hotel in HoDinner with Volta Regional Minister, Chairman of Steer-ing Committee, local Chiefs and members of DistrictAssemblies(t)ActivityCheck out of Chances hotelBreakfast meeting with civil societyand members of localcommunity based organisations.Briefing from two of the organisations.Departure for field visitVisit to Christian Health Association of Ghana ClinicSct. Andrews(Accompanied by DG Ministry of Health, CHRAG chairman,and other CHRAG, WHO)Briefing with Christian Health Association, a pri-vate health organisation which supplements publichealth services.Discuss fragmentation of development partnerassistance in the health sector to which DK pro-vides Sector Budget Support.Discuss the role of civil society in policy settingand monitoring of local government.Venue: Chances HotelChallenges to priority setting and management ofdevelopment projects with elected members ofDistrict Assemblies.Objective/issues
Wednesday 2 Decem-ber 097.00-8.008.00 -9.30
Departure for Tema
Visit to Mærsk Ghana(t)Departure for Accra/ LaVisit to District Magistrate Court BuildingIn need of refurbishment
Discuss Danish enterprises in Ghana and futureperspectives/expectations for private sector devel-opment.Sandwiches and soft drinks will be offered.
17.45EveningThursday 3 December20098.409.009.15
Discuss how Alternative Dispute Resolutionmethods have improved access to justice in Ghana.Brief on plans for Danish budget support to the(Accompanied by Sandra Thomsen, Director Judicial Service ) Judicial Service, subject to development of a stra-tegic plan.Departure forArtists AllianceFamiliarise with Ghanaian art(t)Artists Alliance is a Gallery which promotes Gha-naian modern artist. The gallery also has a veryimpressive selection of traditional art (masks,beads, kente)Departure for Hotel La PalmFreePossibility to hear African MusicVenue: Alliance FrancaiseActivityObjective/issuesBreakfast at hotelDeparture to ParliamentMeeting with Speaker of Parliament Joyce AdelineBamford-AddoMeeting with Ghanaian Parliament Foreign AffairsCommitteeDeparture for Osu Castle (Christiansborg)Meeting with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs ChrisKpodoDiscuss Ghana’s foreign policy and role in theregion
Discuss the role of Ghanaian Parliament vis-a-visthe executiveDiscuss the role of Parliament in the budgetingprocess, including how information about devel-opment assistance is received and debated
Audience with Vice President John MahamaDeparture for HotelLa PalmLunch at La PalmHosted by Ghanaian Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee
Discuss the new government’s agenda with regardto improving governance /democracy
14.00 – 16.00
Meeting with Ministry of Finance and the NationalPlanning Commission on future Danish DevelopmentStrategy
Check out of hotel, pick up of suitcasesNaser Khader and Karsten Lauritzen
Discuss the new Danish Strategy for Developmentcooperation.Presentation of new Ghana Development StrategyParticipants:NDCP Regina AdutwumMoFEP, Prof. KusiVenue: La PalmCheck out from hotel; Naser Khader and KarstenLauritzen
20.3019.00Friday 4 December20098.309.15
Departure to AirportNaser Khader and Karsten LauritzenAfrican evening in town with food and live musicActivityCheck out of HotelDeparture for Kofi Annan International Peace KeepingTraining CentreObjective/issues
Visit to Kofi Annan International Peace Keeping Train-ing CentreDeparture for OsuGuided tour of Christiansborg Castle(Osu)Departure for EmbassyDanish Ambassador hostlunch for representatives of Dan-ish and local NGOs/civil societyDeparture for Osu or La PalmTour of old OsuPick up of suitcasesCheck out of hotelDeparture for AirportDeparture with KLM
Briefing on ECOWAS and regional security situa-tion.Commandant Christian EK DovloDanish presence in Ghana since 1650Discuss Accra Agenda for Action and how to in-volve civil society in the development process.Venue: Ambassador’s residenceSee historic houses from the Danish presence inGhanaLa Palm