Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 35
Foreign Affairs Committees ofDenmark, Finland, Iceland,Norway and SwedenCopenhagen, 5 November 2009
Dear Friends,The Nordic Offices of UNDP, UNFPA and WFP and the Nordic National Committees ofUNICEF kindly address the Foreign Affairs Committees of the five Nordic countries.It continues to be an important objective for the Nordic UN liaison offices to enhance therelationship between the UN and the national Parliaments in the Nordics. To this end we havesuccessfully conducted field visits for Nordic Parliamentarians to Zambia (2004), Malawi(2006), Mozambique (2007) and Nicaragua (2008).As you will recall, we invited the Foreign Affairs Committees to give feedback on the format,timing and usefulness of the joint UN field visit earlier this year. In response we have receivedsome very positive comments. We have therefore decided to continue with this undertaking.For 2010 we are pleased to revive the trip to Liberia, which was postponed from 2009.Representatives from the Nordic Parliaments are invited to participate in the trip, which willtake place in the week from 18-22 January (excluding travel time).While not a priority country for all Nordic countries, Liberia is a post-conflict country and thusoffers an opportunity for a first hand view of the serious challenges faced by a country whichis restructuring after a civil war. In addition, Liberia has put special emphasis on achievinggender equality (MDG 3) as an integrated aspect of the current post-conflict development ofthe country which is an area of special interest to the Nordic countries.We are also pleased to announce already at this time, that the 2011 trip will focus on acountry where climate change and development interface – more details will follow. This tripwill also take place in the third week of January and we hope that you will include this in yourtentative planning for 2011.We look forward to receiving an indication as to the interest in participating from each of theNordic Foreign Affairs Committees and, in the affirmative, an identification of the participantsand possibly alternate participants as well. We would be happy to welcome up to threeparticipants from each Foreign Affairs Committee.
We look very much forward to our continued collaboration on this once-a-year opportunity toprovide member of Nordic Parliaments with first hand impression of the work of the UN in thefield.
Please direct your responses to the respective national focal points:Finland – Johanna Liukkonen, +358 9 1666 853, [email protected]Sweden – Monica Lorensson, +46 854 523 250, [email protected]Norway - Line Hegna, + 47 2306 0829, [email protected]Iceland – Erika Jørgensen, +45 3546 7130, [email protected]Denmark – Pernille Fenger, +45 3546 7033, [email protected]
We are looking forward to your reactions.
Yours sincerely,
Jakob SimonsenDirectorUNDP Nordic Office
Erika JørgensenDirectorWFP Nordic Office
Pernille FengerChiefUNFPA Nordic Office
Steen AndersenSecretary GeneralUNCIEF (on behalf of the Nordic nationalCommittees)