Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 225
July 1, 2010
Dear PNoWB member and partner,PNoWB, in partnership with European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA), is pleased to announce thelaunch of theIDA 16 and Aid Effectiveness campaign.The Campaign calls on the World Bank to deepen its commitment to aid effectiveness throughout IDA 16replenishment, implementation and monitoring by focusing on four key areas, with the ultimate goal ofbringing the world closer to meeting the MDGs in 2015. The four key areas are country ownership,strengthening statistical systems, peer review and leading by example in population, health and nutritionprograms. In addition, the Campaign calls for the Bank to increase its engagement with donor and partnercountry parliamentarians.The Campaign was first presented in April during the World Bank/IMF Spring Meetings in Washington D.C.to a group of 20 parliamentarians from both IDA donor and IDA borrower countries, as well as senior WorldBank staff, including members of the IDA resource mobilization team. It was officially launched on June 23in Bamako, Mali, during an IDA-themed parliamentary field visit to the country, immediately following thesecond IDA deputies meeting in Bamako.All Campaign materials are available in English (Arabic, French and Spanish coming soon) on a dedicatedIDA 16 and Aid Effectiveness Campaign pageatPNoWB.org.We invite you to explore these materials andwelcome any questions you might have. In addition, we welcome the opportunity to discuss ways that theCampaign can be incorporated into development-related events in your Parliament or organization.Best regards,The IDA16 and Aid Effectiveness Campaign TeamPNoWB Secretariat66 avenue d'Iéna75116 Paris, Francetel: (+33) 1 40 69 30 55fax: (+33) 1 40 69 31 64Email : secretariat@pnowb.org