Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 211
DEDI Summer School 2010Moving Forward - is reform possible?Vartov, Farvergade 27, København K, June 4 from 9 to 13THE DEDI SUMMER SCHOOL is has brought together 19 young participants from thepolitical, intellectual and creative arenas belonging to the identified Arab countries, alongwith five Danish participants, for innovative workshops and networking opportunities,from May 25 to June 4. The themes covered have included the history and future of welfaresociety, innovation in education, the role of political institutions at local, national andsupranational levels, leadership and civic reform, climate change and environment, thepower of art, human rights and security.On June 4 the participants will host a dialogue with organizations (especially the DAIpartners; MS-actionaid, KVINFO, DUF, IMS) and persons interested in reform in the Arabworld based on the experiences and reflections from the DEDI Summer School 2010. Theprogram will focus on issues of reform; mainstreaming of reform issues; connectionsbetween the Arab countries and European / Danish contexts.The venue will be at Vartov, Farvergade 27 - and the program will be as follows:9:009:109:30Welcome - Rasmus Boserup, Director of DEDIProgram - presentation of themes - Jakob Erle, DEDI project officer,Director of IAEDGroups hosted by DEDI participants - up to 10 groups• Issues of reform - what would we like to accomplish and what can wetake from the program?• How can we move in what we are doing from scattered one-dayinterventions to more social movements that can address our reformvalues?• What is the connection between the European/Danish contexts when wespeak about reform in the Middle East region or Arab world?BreakGroups reports back shortly to plenary followed by dialogue on issues -moderated by Jakob ErleWhat have we heard - what have we learnt – Summation by RasmusBoserupLight LunchRound Table on reform