Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 210
Visit to Zambia by Danish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (URU)7 to 11 June 20101.a ProgrammeDateMonday 7 June23.1500.30Tuesday 8 June9.00 - 10.40ActivityArrival at Lusaka International AirportArrival and check in at Hotel IntercontinentalActivityBriefing about Zambia at the Danish EmbassyObjective/issuesIntroduction to the programme and the politicaland economic situation as well as the developmentcooperation by the Embassy staffTopics:The constitution committee is expected to com-plete their work by August 2010. Is it likely that anew constitution will be in place in time for nextpresidential and parliamentary elections in 2011,and how will this affect leveling the playing field ?Also expected discussions with the National Ac-counts’ Committee (statsrevisorerne)13.00 – 14.50Lunch with members of Electoral Commission and Na-tional Constitution Conference at Restaurant Portico(Group 1) Meeting with Civil Society Organisationsworking in areas of Governance.The upcoming election (mid 2011) and an approv-al of a new constitution will dominate the politicallandscape during the next yearTo meet representatives of civil society organisa-tions in the governance sector and discuss keytopical issues.Objective/Issues
11.00 – 12.50
Visit to the Zambian Parliament
(Group 2) Meeting with Zambia National AIDS NetworkTo meet Zambia National AIDS Network mem-bers to discuss the role of Civil Society Organisa-tions in strengthening the National HIV and AIDSresponse.(Group 3) eventuelt møde med Post)To ::::
17.00 – 18.1518.30
Meeting with 1stPresident, Kenneth David KaundaReception at the Danish Embassy
A bit of history. Present development and regionalintegrationMeeting the Danish community and representa-tives from Zambian and international communityin LusakaObjective/issuesTo meet the Headmistress, Parent’s Teacher’s As-sociation, and the District Education Boardofficials to discuss basic education for children atKabwe Open Community School, Makululu.KabweTo meet parents, caregivers and local authorityrepresentatives and discuss the effects ofHIV/AIDS and malaria among orphans and vul-nerable children (OVCs).To meet representatives of the criminal justicesystem and civil society based legal aid service pro-
Wednesday 9 June07.0009.00
ActivityDeparture from Hotel Intercontinental(Group 1) Visit to Kabwe Open Community School
(Group 2) Visit to Mulumbo Early Childhood Care andDevelopment Foundation, Kabwe
(Group 1) Departure for a visit to High Court in Kabwe
viders involved in the Communication, Coopera-tion and Coordination Initiative (CCCI).09.50(Group 2) Departure for a visit to District Commission-ers Office in KabweDeparture for Ndola with a stop for lunch at Kapiri Mpo-shi (lunch break around 12:00)Arrival in Ndola and visit to Kafubu Water & SewerageCompany followed by a visit to a sewerage treatmentplant and a water “kiosk”.To discuss the decentralisation process includingchallenges concerning decentralised service deliv-ery and contributing to poverty alleviation.Packed lunchTo appreciate the improvement in the company’sservice improvements, after the reforms of thecommercialisation, in particular to see the interven-tions done and planned through Danida assistancein cooperation with other cooperating partners
16.0017.3019.00Thursday 10June6.307.158.00
Departure for ChingolaArrival at Protea Hotel in ChingolaDeparture for a dinner hosted by Konkola Copper Minesmanagement at the KCM-Chairman’s Lodge including apresentation of KCM operations aActivityBreakfast and check out of the hotelDeparture for a visit to KCMKCMConducted tour of open pit mining at NchangaConducted tour of new copper smelting facility atNchangaIntroduction to the KCM-activities before the visitto KCM-facilities the next morning.Objective/issues
KCMDeparture for Kasompe AirstripDeparture with chartered flights to LusakaArrival at Lusaka International Airport and transfer to HotelIntercontinental. Lunch at Hotel Intercontinental(Group 1) Departure for meeting with Minister forFinance and Economic Planning
Conducted tour of Konkola Deep Mining Projectat Chililabombwe mine
Individual lunch arrangementTo be briefed about recent progress towardsachieving Zambia’s visions of becoming a middleincome country by 2030 and discuss the future roleof development assistance.To discuss progress and bottlenecks in the effortsto promote regional economic integration includ-ing possible merger of work plans of the 3 regionalorganisations, Common Market for Eastern andSouthern Africa (COMESA), East African Com-munity (EAC) and Southern Africa DevelopmentCommunity (SADC).The Africa Commission came up with clear rec-ommendations on the private sector to be the ve-hicle to economic growth and job creation. Zam-bia is striving towards becoming a middle incomecountry. The objective of the meeting is to assessthe strategy for economic growth and the likeli-hood that poverty be reduced.
(Group 2) Departure for meeting with COMESA
(Group 1) Departure for meeting with Minister of Com-merce and Industry
(Group 2) Meeting with Minister of Tourism, Environ-ment and Natural ResourcesDeparture for audience with President Rupia Banda
To discuss advancements and challenges in thetourism, environment and natural resources sectorincluding climate change.To have a state of the Nation orientation as well asthe President’s view of recent successes and chal-lenges and vision of the way forward.To meet donor representatives and discuss the aiddevelopment in Zambia between other issues .Objective/issuesShort stop at Chilanga Cement plan which hasbeen supported by Danish state LoansIntroduction to activities at MDDD’s office
19:00Friday 11 June07.0010.0010.3011:3012:3012:45
Departure for a dinner at the Ambassador’s Residencewith selected donorsActivityDeparture to MonzaArrive at Monze Diocese Development Department(Dan Church Aid supported activities)Departure to field visit located close to ChomaField visit to MDDD-activitiesDeparture for Kozo Lodge (Choma)Lunch with (possible) Danish Farmers at Kozo Lodge
Two Danish families have for many years beengrowing tobacco on their farms which are locatedclose to ChomaTo appreciate the improvement in health and liv-ing conditions in communities through the provi-sion of improved water and sanitation facilities andthe challenges of decentralised implementation.
Departure for Kalomo and visit to water and sanitationproject on rute
Meeting with District Secretary (kommunaldirektør) andstaffDeparture to the border crossing between Zambia and Zim-babweArrival at the Zambia/Zimbabwe borderArrival at Vic. Falls Safari Lodge, Victoria Falls Town
To discuss Danish Water Supported activities
Crossing over Zambezi river bridge