Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 210
Visit to Zimbabwe by Danish Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee (URU)
11 to 15 June 2010
Friday 11 June
Saturday 12 June
8.00 – 9.00
9.00 – 13.00
Arrival at Vic. Falls Safari Lodge, Victoria Falls TownDinner and cultural show at Boma Restarunt, Vic. Falls SafariLodge.Activity
Briefing about ZimbabweDeparture for field visit app. 40 km outside Victoria FallsTownObjective/Issues
Introduction to the programme and a political,economic and development cooperation by theEmbassy staffTo meet local farmer family, community garden,internal savings and lending group, discuss withlocal teachers, visit a health clinic and meet youngpeople involved in Governance issues.
14.00 – 15.30
Visit to Victoria FallsCruise on Zambezi riverDinner at Victoria Falls Hotel
Sunday 13 June
7.30 – 9.00
Check out from Vic Falls Safari Lodge and breakfastDeparture for Victoria Falls Town AirportDeparture for Harare by charter flightArrival in Harare.
Lunch meeting with Civil Society representativesDeparture to WaterfallsVisit to Danish Farm and Dairy Factory in Waterfalls
Discussion of political developments and the Hu-man Rights situation in Zimbabwe
Visit to a Danish Commercial Farmer which hasnot yet been taken over and visit to a Danishowned dairy factory which has been supported byB2B
Check in at Miekels HotelDelegation DinnerActivity
Meeting with Speaker of Parliament Lovemore Moyo and visit Visit the counterpart institution and briefing onto Parliament including dialogue with the three co-chairs forthe constitutional process which is one of the ma-the parliament constitutional committee.jor political issues at present in ZimbabweMeeting with Minister for Finance, Biti (MDC-T)Discuss the latest financial development in Zim-babwe, cooperation with international partners andthe increased Danish supportDiscuss the latest political development and im-plementation of the GPA
Meeting with Prime Minister, Tsvangirai (MDC-T)
Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister, Mutambara (MDC-M)
Discuss the latest political development and im-plementation of the GPA
Group I: Lunch meeting with UNIFEM/Women’s Coali-tion/Zimbabwe Layers Association
Discuss the possible empowerment of women forincreased involvement in the development ofZimbabwe, not least combat of gender based vi-olence and enhanced economic empowermentDoone Estate includes a well known handicraftcentre and the famous Chapungo Stone Gallery
Group II. Lunch and visit to the cultural village in DooneEstate
Meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mumbengegwi.(Zanu-PF)
Discuss the latest political development in Zim-babwe seen, progress in re-engagement with EUand dialogue with SADC/AU.
Tuesday 15
Group I: Departure to ChitungwizaGroup I: Visit to Chitungwiza township outside Harare
Meeting the Danish community in ZimbabweObjective/issues
Visit to activities similar to activities supported byDenmark in other parts of the country concerningmicro-Credit and HIV/AIDS, low input gardensand income generation activities.
Group I: Meeting with South African Ambassador
Discuss the role of South Africa and SADC inmediating a possible solution of the GPA imple-mentation.
Group II: Departure to Marondera – 100 km. form Harare.Group II: Visit to Kushinga Phikelela National Farmer Train-ing CentreFarmer training centre which received Danishsupport until 2002. Debate with principal, teachersand students. Presentation on the Farm/TrainingCenter. Discuss current situation and perspectivesfor reviving agricultural sector with focus on train-ing
Arrival of Group I and II to Airport. Check in.Departure from Harare