Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 208
UNION FOR THEMEDITERRANEANPARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLYCommittee on Political Affairs, Security and Human RightsStatement on the Middle East Peace Process*On the occasion of its extraordinary meeting held on 1 July 2010 in Brussels,The Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights of theParliamentary Assembly of the UfM,Highlights the unbroken commitment of the Parliamentary Assembly toongoing dialogue and cooperation;Condemns the attack, by Israeli forces, against the flotilla on 31 May 2010 ininternational waters, which is a breach of international law; strongly deploresthe loss of human lives and extends its condolences to families of the victims;Recalls the need for a prompt, impartial, international and transparent inquiryto be conducted in order to shed light on the events and identifyresponsibilities;Requests that the new policy measures announced by the government of Israelto ease the blockade of Gaza be implemented fully and quickly; and, moreoverinsists that the blockade must be lifted swiftly, completely and sustainably andthat the implementation of the lifting of blockade must be done in an effectivemanner which guarantees the security of all concerned;Underlines the need for the continuation of proximity talks between Israel andthe Palestinians, and the resumption of direct negotiations; invites both partiesto take this opportunity seriously by avoiding all provocative acts, includingall forms of violence and to live up to their people's expectations of a two-State solution living side by side in peace and security;Appeals to all parties to step up their efforts in promoting inter-Palestinianreconciliation; fully supports the Egyptian commitment in this respect.Invites all parties represented in the Parliamentary Assembly of the UfM tounite their efforts towards lasting and endurable peace and stability in theregion.
The Israeli delegation did not associate itself to this statement