Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 208
EURO-MEDITERRANEANPARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLYCommittee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights
Press release 31 May 2010Gaza: Tokia Saïfi denounces "unjustified" and "disproportionate" attackFrench MEP Tokia Saïfi (EPP), who chairs the political affairs committee of theEuromed Assembly, firmly condemned on Monday "the unjustified anddisproportionate attack by Israeli forces on a convoy of humanitarian shipsheading for the Gaza strip which resulted in at least nineteen dead and dozensinjured"."Israel will not influence the dialogue for peace nor contribute to a lasting settlement ofthe Middle East conflict by reacting like this", said Ms Saïfi in a statement issued onbehalf of the Committee on Political Affairs, Security and Human Rights of EMPA (theEuromediterranean Parliamentary Assembly).She stressed that "EMPA and its political affairs committee have on numerous occasionscalled for the Gaza blockade to be lifted, and denounced the humanitarian catastrophewhich has engulfed so many Palestinians".