Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 188

Danida Development Days 2010:“NewTrends in International Development”Copenhagen, Denmark. June 8th– 9thThe realities of international development are changing. During the pastyears the socio-economic conditions in developing countries have beenseverely affected by the food, fuel and financial crises . This has exacerbatedalready existing challenges in most developing countries.The outline of a new world order is becoming increasingly visible andgenerating new opportunities as well as challenges. In response to these newrealities traditional development partners are launching new policyframeworks and strategies. These will have an impact on the way in whichinternational development will be approached in the coming years. In parallel,new players are increasingly influencing the socio -economic context in manydeveloping countries. These new players are putting pressure on trad itionalapproaches to development.Within this new international context a new Strategy for Danish DevelopmentCooperation is being formulated. The Strategy will provide the overallframework for Danida Development Days 2010 , with a special focus on twothemes:Coherence and coordination of development instruments with focus onfragile states;Emerging economies with focus on their role in Africa.
The Technical Advisory Service of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs wouldlike to invite practitioners, scholars, consultants, policy makers, partners andcolleagues from Denmark and abroad to join Danida for two days of dialogueand knowledge sharing on the above mentioned themes.
Below you will be able to find additional information on the two themes and be guided onregistration. A detailed programme will be made available at the beginning of May.-----------------------------------
Coherence and coordination of development instruments withfocus on fragile statesFragile states and conflict prone areas has become one of the most important issues for foreign andsecurity politics, and development politics. Governments, aid agencies, NGOs and others engaged indevelopment, have in recent years put increasing effort into trying to understand and address thecomplex problems emerging from the planning and implementation of programmes and projects infragile states.Fragile and conflict affected states are furthest from reaching the MDGs and account proportionallyfor a greater share of people living in extreme poverty without access to basic services. Additionally,in most fragile states girls and women are excessively exposed to gender inequality and violence.Though often grouped together as one category, fragile and conflict affected areas are extremelyheterogeneous, each one with its own particular history and root cause of conflict and fragility. Thisposes new challenges to development agencies in terms of defining new innovative interventionstrategies and in adapting to new levels of risks.The many actors present in fragile and conflict affected states are there with different objectives,mandates, approaches, perspectives, and traditions. Security politics, economic and political interestsand development objectives cannot be separated but must all be taken into account when designingand implementing development strategies and programs.Leading scholars and practitioners will provide new insight and share their experience concerningthese challenges and dilemmas.-------------
Emerging economies with focus on their role in AfricaA new group of countries are engaging themselves in international development. This broad and non-homogeneous group includes countries like China, South Korea, India and Brazil. Their approachesto development, and their rationale for engaging in development, often diverge from the approachand rationale of traditional development partners like Danida. The diversification of developmentpartners and the variation of development strategies and modalities has consequences for a partnerlike Danida in terms of both design and implementation of development programs.TheEmerging economies with focus on their role in Africasessions will explore the specific nature of thephenomenon of new players in development. Leading scholars and practitioners will provide newinsight with regard to who the new players are? What drives them? And what the consequences arefor development in the partner countries in Africa?
Through the subsequent dialogue and discussion with participants the views of the invited scholarsand practitioners will be challenged and new knowledge will be generated.
-----------EU and developmentIn addition to these two themes specific attention will be paid to EU and development. The EU is notonly the world’s largest bi-lateral donor but is increasingly coming into focus in the new economicworld order where few if any single member country of the EU can match the new big players on thedevelopment scene. Following the new policy directions in Danish development assistance there willbe increased focus on both influencing EU development policies and strategies and on strengtheningcoordination and collaboration with both the EU development assistance and that of its othermember states.From the perspective of Fragile States and Emerging Economies a number of sessions on EU will beintegrated in the programme for Danida Development Days.----------------------------------Registration: To participate please send an email to [email protected] stating your name andorganisation, including your choice of sessions you want to attend, not later than Friday,28thMay, 2010.