Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 187
Committee on Foreign Affairs
2 June 2010, 09.30 - 12.30Room: JAN 4 Q 2DRAFTPROGRAMME09:00 - 09:3009:30 - 09:35RegistrationWelcome and introductory remarks by Gabriele Albertini,Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs

Establishing the EEAS - Role and Scope

09:35 - 10:05Presentation of the proposal by Vice-President/HighRepresentative Catherine AshtonPoul Skytte Christoffersen,Special Advisor of the HighRepresentative on EEAS
Implications for the European ParliamentElmar Brok, AFET rapporteurGuy Verhofstadt, AFCO rapporteur10.05 - 11.15Exchange of views

Establishing the EEAS - Staff

11:15 - 11:35Presentation of the legal frameworkIréne Souka, Director-General, DG Human Resources andSecurity, Commission (tbc)The point of view of the European ParliamentBernhard Rapkay, JURI rapporteurExchange of viewsConcluding remarks by Elmar Brok, AFET rapporteur
11.35 - 12.30