Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 181

March 23, 2010Hon. Ms. Halle Sjelle, MPMember of ParliamentDet Konservative FolkepartiChristiansborgDK-1240 Copenhagen KDear Ms. Halle Sjelle,We are pleased to invite you to attend Women Deliver 2010, a global conference to beheld in Washington D.C. June 7-9. The conference will focus on the interim and long-term solutions to improve the lives of girls and women and achieve the MillenniumDevelopment Goals. More than 3000 people are expected to attend including yourcolleagues - Parliamentarians, Health and Finance Ministers, First Ladies, developmentofficials, young people, advocates, corporate executives, and representatives of civilsociety. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will speak at the opening plenary, and theconference also is on the calendar of President Obama and U.N. Secretary-General BanKi Moon. The first Women Deliver conference in London in 2007 was credited withputting MDG5 on the international development agenda. The 2010 conference seeks tosecure the commitment and funding from world leaders to achieve the MDGs.Women Deliver 2010is being co-sponsored by a partnership of UN agencies, and theofficial development assistance agencies of Denmark, Spain, Great Britain, Norway,Finland and the Netherlands, among others; and international NGOs. Registration isavailable on-line atwww.womendeliver.org.There also is hotel and other travelinformation available on the website.We hope very much that you will join us at this important event. We have attached aninformation sheet regarding the conference and the invitation. If you have any questionsplease do not hesitate to contact us.Please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.
Jill SheffieldPresident, Women Deliver