Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 178

Dear parliamentarians and partners,As the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank (PNoWB) enters its tenth year of serving as a platform forparliamentarians from over 110 countries to advocate for increased accountability and transparency inInternational Financial Institutions (IFIs) and multilateral development financing, we would like to sharewith you some exciting updates on the Network’s progress and draw your attention to new PNoWBactivities, resources and publications.PNoWB in 2010 has two main focuses: 1) mobilizing Parliamentarians to hold their governments and IFIsaccountable to aid effectiveness and accountability principles throughout IDA 16 replenishment andimplementation; and 2) illustrating positive examples of effective Parliamentary/World Bank relationsleading to improved development outcomes and mutual accountability in both donor and recipientcountries.We encourage you to refer regularly to the Network’s website,www.pnowb.org,for information on thesepriorities as well as the large number of conferences, summits, caucuses and discussions in which thenetwork regularly participates. The site has recently been updated and now functions as a one-stop-shopfor Network news, resources and publications, including:Weekly news updatesandfeatured resourcesAn “about” section including aNetwork overview, PNoWB’s mission,information on the Network’sBoard of Directors and governance structure, PNoWB secretariat, partners,andmembership.Information onPNoWB chapters and how to create a chapterA dedicatedParliamentarians in the Fieldsection, with links tomission reports from 2009fieldvisitsAnAnnual Conferencesection that will feature information on the upcoming 10thannualconference in DecemberAQ&A tabwhere law makers can submit their questions directly to the World Bank inArabic,English, FrenchorSpanishThe newpublications sectionfeaturing online access toNetwork News issues,PNoWB’sParliamentarians and Developmentbriefing series; Field visit reports; A Parliamentarian’s Guide tothe World Bankandtopic-specific briefingsPNoWB will also make itsIDA 16 and Aid Effectiveness campaignmaterials available on thewebsite shortly
A PNoWB delegation just participated in the World Bank and IMF Spring meetings in Washington, D.C. from22 to 27 April. Delegates met with top IFI representatives, potential future bi-lateral and private donors,and partner organizations-- to name just a few. PNoWB reports from this busy and important week will beavailable online atwww.pnowb.orgin early May.Finally, we encourage you to contact the PNoWB secretariat ([email protected]) with news of yourupcoming PNoWB country and regional chapter activities, as well any activities you may have scheduledwith local World Bank offices or World Bank headquarters. This will allow PNoWB secretariat to supportyou in preparing for and reporting on your chapter activities; it will also allow us to share news from theseactivities with the wider Network.
Thank you for your continued engagement with PNoWB and we look forward to seeing and working withmany of you in the months and years to come.Best wishes,PNoWB Secretariat