Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 154

Born on 31 May 1974, Earnest Mudzengi did his High school in Gweru.He later moved to the University of Zimbabwe (UZ) where he attaineda Masters degree in Media and Communication Studies in 2001. Whileat UZ, Mudzengi was actively involved in student activism becomingthe Chairperson of the UZ Political Orientation Committee in 1997. Hewas also a special Adviser to the Student Representative Council (SRC)between 1996 and 1997.In 2002, Mudzengi joined the National Constitutional Assembly (NCA)as Information and Advocacy Officer. He has been detained by policeon several occasions. At one point, he was detained for four dayswithout trial, being severely assaulted.Mudzengi is currently the Director of the NCA apart from being a parttime media studies lecturer with the Zimbabwe Open University wherehe has assisted with the authoring of a number of modules indisciplines that include political communication, investigativejournalism, media management and others.Mudzengi’s passion lies with the respect for Human Rights and hasresolved not to give up the fight until Zimbabwe has a framework ofgovernance that guarantees the respect for Human Rights.Venitia Govender
I am a social justice and human rights activist and have been involvedin the related fields of research, lobbying and advocacy, monitoringand challenging the promotion and protection of rights for over 20years.In the 1980's I graduated from the volatile University of DurbanWestville, with a law degree. In the early nineties, during the height ofthe height of the violence that marred the transition in South Africa, Iwas coordinator of the independent violence monitoring organization,Peace Action. I was the first coordinator of the Police and Prison
Officers Civil Rights Union (POPCRU) and then a legal advisor toGauteng's Secretariat of Safety and Security.I spent three years as the National Director of the Human RightsCommittee before becoming an independent consultant on humanrights, governance and peace building issues, working throughout theSouthern African region. During this period I edited quarterly reportson the state of human rights promotion and protection in South Africa.As well as a quarterly review on the role and the implementation ofmandate of Human rights institutions in Southern Africa. Over the last10 years I have been involved in re-establishing the solidarity linkagesbetween Zimbabwe/SA beyond the bounds of leadership and as suchwas the coordinator of the Save Zimbabwe Campaign and recently theSwaziland Democracy campaign.Over the last 18 years I have accumulated a diverse and extensivenetwork of contacts/information (both individual and organizations) atthe levels of civil society and government in SADC.I am also a mother of two.