Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 153

Speech of Søren Pind, Minister for Development
Cooperation, at reception for the diplomatic corps
March 19th 2010.Check against deliveryDistinguished Ambassadors and Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,As our Foreign Minister did, I would like to bid you a warm welcome. I am also very happy tobe here today – maybe even slightly happier than our Foreign Minister.While Lene has been a minister since the Government took office in 2001, I only have 25 daysexperience in this field. It has been 25 very gratifying days. And it has also been a humblingexperience to suddenly be in charge of a portfolio of 15 billion kroner and part of a global effortaffecting the lives of millions of people.I have sometimes been labelled the lonesome cowboy or my party’s “enfant terrible”. Nothingcould be more unfair. I am 40 years old – at least they could have the common decency to callme an “adult terrible”. My first days in office have, however, reminded me that the word“minister” is derived from Latin and means “servant”. Being a servant requires a certain amountof humility which I am quickly acquiring in view of the challenges facing us.--oOo--Everybody here present today is a partner in development – either as a long-standing donor, anemerging one or as a partner country. It is a true privilege for me to meet you today and I hopewe can have an open and frank debate. But – as President Ronald Reagan said – “before I refuseto take your questions, I have an opening statement.”Like our Foreign Minister, I have a message of continuity today. But I also have a message ofchange in Danish development policy.On my first day in office, I held a speech for my new colleagues in the Ministry. I told them thatthey were doing the noblest of jobs because they were essentially in the business of promotingfreedom. I told them that development cooperation is ultimately about setting people free – aboutenabling people to be masters of their own destiny and enabling them to lead healthy, productivelives of their own choice.A decade ago, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen wrote a book called “Development as Freedom”. Hesees freedom as a precondition for development. But freedom alone does not guaranteedevelopment. To be free also means having the necessary capacity and skill to grab theopportunities that freedom provides. Development to me is about individuals, families andcommunities realizing their potential, increasing their choices and enjoying the freedom to livetheir lives as they choose.I have today launched a public hearing of the Government’s new draft strategy for Danishdevelopment cooperation. We expect the strategy process to be completed in May this year. Thestrategy emphasises freedom both as an end in itself and as a means to development.
In the new strategy, we set out five priorities for our development work in the years to come. Ihave already indirectly touched upon two priorities: The promotion of democracy and of market-based economic growth as essential elements in development and poverty eradication.20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it is clear that we are not at the End of History. I am notsure that we are – as the scholar Robert Kagan has slightly teasingly labelled it – facing the “TheReturn of History and the End of Dreams.” But we do live in times of turmoil and the need topromote core principles, values and rights has not diminished.Danish development policy is a central part of an active Danish foreign and security policy. It isan equal and independent element in our global engagement. Our Foreign Minister mentioned inher speech the Danish soldiers in Helmand and warships in the Gulf of Aden. These efforts gohand in hand with our support to girls’ education in Afghanistan and humanitarian anddevelopment efforts on the Horn of Africa. Development is fundamentally about eradicatingpoverty, but it is also about projecting soft power and winning hearts and minds. And it is animportant part of Denmark’s image abroad as a decent and benevolent nation.Therefore, I am very pleased that the Danish government has just recently – despite theeconomic crisis – decided to maintain Denmark’s high level of ODA for the years to come. Alldonors must deliver on their promises. It is essential for our credibility that the internationalcommunity lives up to its ODA commitments.Permit me to briefly touch upon the five priorities set out in the strategy. First, we will enhanceour efforts to promote freedom, democracy and human rights. Secondly, we will significantlystrengthen our support for market-driven economic growth and job creation. Thirdly, we willcontinue to drive the gender equality agenda. Fourthly, fragile states will figure much moreprominently in our development cooperation. And, finally, environment and climate change willbe high on our development agenda. Let me elaborate a little further on these five strategicpriorities.Freedom, democracy and human rights are fundamental values in their own right. And I believethey are a precondition for sustainable development. Poverty and hunger do not thrive in opensocieties where citizens can take active part in the political process, choose their leaders and holdthem accountable. And instability and conflict have poor living conditions in pluralistic societiesbased on dialogue, free speech and the rule of law. Three days after taking office, I visitedZimbabwe. There, I clearly witnessed how a lack of democracy and good governance tears asociety apart and stands squarely in the way of development. In our development cooperation,we will work with partners to strengthen democratic institutions, protect fundamental humanrights, fortify institutions of good governance and fight corruption. Denmark will strengthen itsefforts in international fora to promote these values. In partner countries, we will work withgovernments, parliaments, and civil society to ensure democratic ownership and a public sectorthat effectively delivers the services that citizens rightfully demand.Market-driven economic growth and job creation is a sine qua non for sustained povertyreduction and for reaching the 2015 Millenium Development Goals. Ever since the birth ofCivilisation, individuals, communities and nations have built their wealth on private initiative,entrepreneurship and trade. Every year, millions of young people in developing countries enterlabour markets that do not offer enough jobs. That means limited opportunities for young peopleto unfold their skills and drive to make a living for themselves and their families. This is aterrible waste of human potential. And it is a cause for discontent and instability. The proportionof Danish ODA allocated to private sector led growth will increase over the coming years with a
particular focus on Africa. We shall work for free trade and market access; support betterframework conditions for private initiative in partner countries; help strengthen access to energy,technology and innovation; support small and medium enterprises as important engines ofgrowth; and focus more on vocational training.As a third priority in our new strategy, we will continue to put gender equality and women’srights and opportunities at the top of the international agenda. Promoting equal freedoms, rightsand opportunities for men and women is a fundamental value. And liberating the resources thatwomen possess is key to development and achieving the MDGs. In particular, we will focus onwomen’s economic rights and possibilities and their access to and active participation in politics.Access to education for women will be another priority area as will women’s sexual andreproductive health and rights.A fourth priority will be to increase our engagement in fragile and conflict-ridden regions andstates. One third of the world’s poorest people live in countries, where the state has little or nolegitimacy. Stability and security are necessary for development. A stronger focus on fragilestates in our humanitarian, reconstruction and development efforts will also require increasedwillingness to take risks. We are ready to do that to achieve our goals.Finally, as a fifth priority, we will sustain our efforts to promote environmentally sustainabledevelopment and combat climate change and its consequences. Denmark will provide its fairshare of fast start financing amounting to approximately 225 million USD. And we will maintainour strong focus and leading role on climate adaptation.Enough about the priority areas in the new strategy. As Sir Winston Churchill once said:“However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.” Churchill was avery sensible man and I think we should all follow that piece of advice in our developmentefforts. With our partners, we will strengthen the monitoring of results to ensure maximumimpact of our interventions.Keeping up aid volumes is essential for reaching the MDGs. But quantity only matters if thequality is right. We must all work closely together to enhance aid effectiveness. We owe that tothe tax payers and not least to the end beneficiaries.Denmark will seek to remain at the forefront of the aid effectiveness agenda. To me, that meansan increased focus in our development efforts and an effective division of labour. It means thatwe must look at our comparative advantages and that we don’t shy away from tough choices.Needs in developing countries are infinite, but resources are scarce. We should focus our effortswhere the chances of making a lasting difference are the greatest. Denmark remains firmlycommitted to the principles of aid effectiveness. Bilaterally, we will confine our developmentcooperation to fewer partners and we will be present in fewer sectors in each country. Ourcooperation will be stronger and our interventions will carry more weight where we are present.Multilaterally, the same will apply – we will work with fewer organizations where we will havea stronger voice and stronger impact.Wishing to do the Good is noble and right. But in development cooperation there is also theprinciple of “do no harm.” We should always make sure that development interventions help freepeople from poverty and oppression. And that our common efforts do not – unintentionally –contribute to keeping people in poverty and lack of freedom. When hunger hits a country, ourimmediate reaction is to rush in and help. But we also need to take a longer-term perspective.When a house catches fire for the first time, you call the fire brigade. You probably do the same
thing, if a new fire erupts. But when a house has caught fire for the tenth time, you startreflecting. Is there something basically wrong with the structure of the house that needs to bechanged? Or should we vacate the house and construct a new one? I think there is a good casefor continuously rethinking our development efforts, learn from our successes and mistakes andalways have the long-term goal in mind.-oOo-In my introductory remarks, I said that I was very happy to be here today. And I am. But I wishwe were not here addressing issues of poverty, oppression, and lack of opportunity. I firmlybelieve that our ultimate aim as partners in development is to make ourselves obsolete. I lookforward to working closely with all of you towards that end.Thank you