Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 145

Agricultural Development and Support:Experience from the past, prospects for the future.Public meeting in Copenhagen on 18thMarch 2010, 9:00 am – 5:00 pmVenue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2The 2008 World Development Report pointed out that increased support to agriculture is vital foreconomic development and improved food security. Since then, fluctuations in international foodprices and the economic crisis have further emphasized the need to take a fresh look at what works andwhat does not work in terms of promoting food production and agricultural development.Support to agriculture has held a fairly prominent role in Danish development cooperation and themeeting on the 18thMarch 2010 in Copenhagen will feed into ongoing Danish and internationaldiscussions on development and the role of agriculture in development and in promoting food securityand combating hunger. A range of donor agencies and evaluation offices have expressed their interestin the topic and the meeting thus aims at bringing together development practitioners, researchers,representatives of partner countries, donor agencies and their evaluation departments to discussexperience in the field and possible ways forward.
Tentative programme:8:30 – 9:00:9:00 – 9:15:9:15 – 9:45:9:45 – 10:15:Registration and coffeeWelcome by State Secretary for Development Policy, Ib PetersenAgricultural development: dealing with the awkward sector?Presentation by Steve Wiggins,Research Fellow and Programme Leader, Overseas Development Institute (ODI)Millions Fed – Proven Successes in Agricultural Development.Presentation by RajulPandya-Lorch, Head of the 2020 Vision Initiative, International Food PolicyResearch Institute (IFPRI)Agricultural value chain interventions in Africa: What works, when and how?Presentationby Stefano Ponte, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies(DIIS)Coffee break
10:15 – 10:45:
10:45 – 11.15:
11.15 – 11.45:
Public support to agricultural development in Uganda: experiences and lessons learned.By Dr.Bernard Bashaasha, Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economicsand Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere UniversityClimate change, agriculture and food security in Africa.By Simon Anderson, InternationalInstitute for Environment and Development, IIED
11.45 – 12.15:12:15 – 12:30:12:30 – 13:00:13:00 – 14:30:
Introduction to group workSandwichesGroup discussions:Group A:Agriculture and agribusiness/value chain development(introduction by Olav JuulSørensen, University of Aalborg and Lone Riisgaard, Danish Institute for DevelopmentStudies, DIIS) (RoomIII)Group B:Food security in Africa: the role of agricultural research and extension(introduction byIan Christoplos, DIIS and Anne Sørensen from the Danish Development ResearchNetwork, DDRN)(Room IV)Group C:Climate change, agriculture and food security in Africa(introduction by SimonAnderson, Institute for Environment and Development, IIED and Christine Roehrer,DfID) (RoomF)
14.30 – 15:00:15:00 – 15:30:15:30 – 16:45:
Coffee breakFeed-back from group discussionsPanel discussion: Policy directions for the futureIn the Panel: Steve Wiggins, ODI; Ranjul Pandya-Lorch, IFPRI; Garry Smith, FAO;Lucciano Lavizzari Director, Office of Evaluation, IFAD; Bernard Bashaasha, MakerereUniversity, Simon Anderson, IIED.
16:45 – 17:00:
Closure by Klaus Bustrup, Danida Board Chairman
The meeting is organised by the Evaluation Department and the Technical Advisory Services in theMinistry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Danish Development Research Network, DDRN.To register for the event please send an e-mail toIona Eberle at[email protected]no later than March15, 2010. When you send you registration, please indicate which group you would like to attend duringgroup discussions (A, B or C above).