Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 144
11. marts 2010
Dear Madam/Sir,Please find enclosed a letter sent by Aprodev, CIDSE, Front Line, the Euro-Mediterranean HumanRights Network (EMHRN), the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) andthe Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders to the Spanish Minister of ForeignAffairs Mr Moratinos and the High Representative Baroness Ashton re therecent attempts of theIsraeli government to restrict the space and freedom of Israeli civil society organisations tooperate in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT).The abovementioned organizations are particularly concerned re the government back bill which iscurrently discussed in the Israeli Parliament and which will restrict the freedom of association ofIsraeli civil society organizations if adopted.The undersigning organisations call on the EU and its Member States toraise these concernsduring the upcoming UE-Israel Association Council on 23 March and during the visit ofBaroness Ashton in Israel on 17-18 March.Yours Faithfully,Nathalie Stanus
Nathalie STANUSProject Coordinator, Palestine/Israel and PalestiniansEuro-Mediterranean Human Rights NetworkTel : +32(0)2/540.86.46E-mail:[email protected]Visit the EMHRN New Website


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