Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 141
TheDanish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)has the pleasure of inviting you to amigration seminar on:
‘Send More Money’The Ambiguous Relations BetweenAfrican States and their DiasporasThursday, 18 March 2010, 14.00-16.00Danish Institute for International StudiesMain AuditoriumStrandgade 71, ground floor, 1401 Copenhagen KBackgroundNot many decades ago, citizens who left their motherland due to conflict, political disagreement orin search of a brighter future were considered traitors by their compatriots and the state. However,in recent years, this image seems to have changed as African states have increasingly focused onthe development potential of what is increasingly called their diasporas. Rather than a liability, thediaspora is seen as being able to support the homeland in three crucial ways: by sending moneyand making investments, by applying the know-how that they have gained in their new country ofresidence to develop the homeland, and by acting as goodwill ambassadors wherever they are inthe world. In this seminar, we explore this shift and the new interest that African states show intheir citizens abroad.But is the picture as glossy as sending states, the International Organization for Migration (IOM)and the World Bank paint it? The seminar addresses the various issues that are omitted in officialdiscourse, and inquires into other sides of the story: What about the members of the diaspora whoare not interested in supporting the state at ‘home’? What about those members of the diasporawho are not able to provide support because they do not have the means? And what is meant by thediaspora? Is it implicitly the well-educated elite in OECD countries – while the vast majority ofAfrican migrants are displaced within Africa?This is the first seminar in the 2010 Migration Seminar Spring Series. For more information andseminar resource, see


SpeakersSimon Turner,Senior Researcher, DIISBen Page,Reader, University College LondonProgrammeMore details about the seminar are available on ourwebsite.Practical InformationThe seminar will be held inEnglish.Participation isfree of charge,butregistration is required.Please use ouronline registration formno later thanWednesday, 17 March 2010 at 12.00 noon.
Please await confirmation by e-mail from DIIS for participation.Sincerely,Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)The Conference SectionStrandgade 56DK-1401 Copenhagen KDenmarkPh. (+45) 32 69 87 51Fax (+45) 32 69 87 00E-mail:[email protected]Web:www.diis.dkFeel free to forward this invitation to others with a potential interest in the seminar.For other public DIIS meetings, please visit our website onwww.diis.dk.If you did not receive this invitation directly from DIIS and wish to receive invitations to futureevents at DIIS, please use the following link:www.diis.dk/sw7899.aspIf you no longer wish to receive invitations directly from DIIS, please send an e-mail about this to[email protected](and please remember to state your name and organisation).Please note that DIIS is not responsible for invitations forwarded to you by others.