Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 139
The Parliamentary Networkon the World BankNordic-Baltic Parliamentary MeetingCopenhagen, Denmark25 January 2010
About the Network•A unique platform for MPs from over 110 countries toadvocate for increased accountability and transparency in IFIsand multilateral development financing•Key principles: dialogue, advocacy, networking, partnershipand accountability•Founded in 2000•Board of directors and international secretariat•Partnerships with World Bank, IMF, regional developmentbanks and CSOs
Publications & Policy Resources••••••Parliamentarians & DevelopmentseriesQuarterly reviewNetwork NewsPolicy briefing documentsField mission reportsMP guide to the World Bankwww.pnowb.org
Activities••••••Annual conferenceProgram of field visitsWB and IMF Annual and Spring MeetingsCampaigns to promote aid effectiveness and accountabilityInter-parliamentary cooperation (IPU, AWEPA, APF, CPA…)Special events (COP-15, OECD Anti-Bribery Convention…)
Chapters•Chapters help strengthenthe position of MPs andbuild-up an enhancedrelationship with IFIs•Key requirements:–––––Executive committee+5 MPs by countryContact listLocal constitutionProgram of activity
West AfricaEast AfricaMENABalkansIndiaJapanMongoliaLatin America (New)European Parliament (New)USA (WB Caucus)
Funding•PNoWB Secretariat: the Netherlands and UK•Annual Conference: host nation and partners•Field Vists: Finland•Additional support is required for 2010-2012