Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 139
Andrew Kircher, External AffairsCopenhagen, January 25, 2010
Why MPs and ECA?Convene MPs from ECA countries to share
development experience and knowledge with eachother and the World BankShare latest World Bank research and findingsBuild deeper understanding of key issues among MPsresponsible for or interested in developmentassistanceBuild deeper understanding of World Bank’s role intransition and developing countries
2006 – Greece40 MPs from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, FYR
Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and TurkeyCo-sponsored by the Hellenic Parliament andHellenic Foundation for European and Foreign PolicyTheme was

“Towards a Common Economic Space

for Southeast Europe”

with sub-focus on Greece’sexperience in EU AccessionTopics discussed – Education, Energy, GoodGovernance, Public Finance, Trade and Transport,Environment.
2007 - Slovenia40 MPs from Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Estonia,
Finland, Greece, Kosovo, FYR Macedonia,Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia,Spain, Turkey, and Ukraine.Co-sponsored by the Ljubjana-based Center forExcellence in FinanceTheme was on

Slovenia’s Experience with EU


Topics included – Migration, Role of RegionalDevelopment in Europe, Transforming JudicialSystems, and PPP’s in Infrastructure
2008 - Albania40 MPs from Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Greece, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia,Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro,Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia,Turkey and UkraineCo-sponsored by Albanian ParliamentTheme –

“Looking Beyond Transition”

Topics – Investment Climate, Food and Energy Prices,Ageing and Demography
2010 - ?Tentatively slated for fall of 2010 – location tbdPossible future partnership with the Nordic-Baltic
Parliamentary Assembly?
Thank You