Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 125
Til udenrigsudvalgets medlemmer1. - 3. marts 2010 afholder the Russell Tribunal on Palestine sit førtste møde i Barcelona.Sender lidt information til medlemmerne af udenrigsudvalget om arrangementet, da jegformoder, at det kan have medlemmernes interessere.Human Rights March, Kvinder i Dialog, Israel Palestina Danmark vil være repræsenteretpå møderne af Brita Bastogi,Solbakkevej 9, 2960 Rungsted kyst45 86 41 32, E-mail-adresse:[email protected]
Venlig hilsenf. HRMBodil Heinø38741709


[email protected][mailto:[email protected]]

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Forum Nord Sud


9. februar 2010 10:04




[ECCP] Russell Tribunal on Palestine - Barcelona
Dear Friends,Please find attached information on the 1st session of the RTP in Barcelona (1-2 and 3rd March).To register please contact the National Support Committee (NSC) in your country.If you don't know their details of if there is no NSC in your country, contact Virginie.Virginie VanhaeverbekeCoordinator of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine115 Rue Stevin, 1000 Brussels, BelgiumTel / fax : 00 32 (0)2 2310174Mobile: 00 32 (0)479 12 95 32Skype: Tribunal Russell sur la palestineweb site:www.russelltribunalonpalestine.comFacebook: Russell Tribunal on Palestine/Tribunal Russell sur la Palestinehttp://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=107438584500&id=47151167449&ref=nf#/group.php?gid=55119034131&ref=searchWith warm regards,Christine________________________________P. GALANDTél/Fax : 00.32.(0)2.231 01 74Forum Nord SudRue Stévin 115 - 1000 Bruxelles[email protected]http://www.pierregaland.be/