Udenrigsudvalget 2009-10, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2009-10
URU Alm.del Bilag 75, UPN Alm.del Bilag 25
Climate Change and International Security15thDecember 1.30-3pm at DR-Byen’s Concert House, Studie 2Open to the general publicThe

Danish Minister for Foreign Affairs Per Stig Møller

has invited a panel of worldleaders for a debate on the impact of climate change on international security. The panel willinclude:

African Union Commission Chairperson Dr. Jean Ping

EU Presidency, Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen

The moderator will be

Steffen Kretz,

Senior International Editor and anchor with the DanishBroadcasting Corporation(DR).You are invited to take part. Participation is free of charge. Seats will be allocated on a firstcome, first served basis due to the limited number of seats. A binding registration is thereforenecessary. Deadline is the 10thof December 2009. Register by sending your name and contactdetails to[email protected].You will receive a personal confirmation of registration, which youmust bring with you in order to access the event.


DR-Byen’s Concert House, Studie 2, Emil Holms Kanal 20, 0999 Copenhagen C.

Nearest metro:

DR-Byen (two stops from the Bella Center).Doors open at 12.30 and close at 1.15pm, to ensure a prompt start to the debate.For further information contact Catherine Lorenzen:[email protected]/ +45 3392 1855