Trafikudvalget 2009-10
TRU Alm.del Bilag 498
Kapsch TrafficCom.
Wemake yourtraffic flow.
Kapsch TrafficCom
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Kapsch TrafficComService Portfolio.
Toll Collection Systems:development, implementationand operation of toll collection systems.Urban Traffic Solutions:intelligent and sustainablemanagement of traffic flow in urban areas, for parkingmanagement, access applications or access control.Operations:commercial operations such as transactionprocessing, customer payments, enforcement, paymentprocessing, customer service and developing the infrastructure,logistics and organisation.ITS and Telematic Solutions:incident detection systems,video-based traffic sensors and telematics platform.Components:design, production and installation ofcore components.Kapsch TrafficComalways one step ahead | 2
Kapsch TrafficCom:234 References in 38 Countries.
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Kapsch TrafficCom
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Toll Collection SystemsNeeds and Requirements.
High detection rate for maximum revenues.High enforcement rate for secured revenues.Minimum operating costs.High scalability - suitable for millions of vehicles.Capable of handling millions of vehicles with mandatory use of on-board units(OBU).
Flexibility - introduction of new tolling schemes (e.g. all-road tolling).Usage of proven concepts for the central system (systems, workflows,interfaces etc.).
Based on proven technology
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Tolling Projects in the Press
Updates on recent tollingprojects.Enjoy.
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Press ClippingSlovakia.
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Press ClippingGermany.
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Press ClippingThe Netherlands.
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Press ClippingAustria.
The system went into operationon January 1st, 2004.On time and keeping to the budget.Since then it has been running withoutinterruption, with an effective tolltransaction execution-rate of 99,93%.
Ourswork.Kapsch TrafficComalways one step ahead | 10
Press ClippingSwitzerland.
Ourswork.Kapsch TrafficComalways one step ahead | 11
Press ClippingCzech Republic.
Asound investment - total toll revenue equalledtotal expenditure after only 6 months ofoperation. System implemented within ninemonths, which is an internationally recognizedworld record. Utilisation of the system for traffictelematics, which makes a significantcontribution to improving traffic safety on themain motorways.
Ourswork.Kapsch TrafficComalways one step ahead | 12
Kapsch TrafficCom
02.12.2009|Titel der Präsentation
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Kapsch Group
History of the Electronic toll collection in theCzech Republic.
02.12.2009|Titel der Präsentation
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Project history.Decision of Czech Government to introduce the electronic toll collectionondefined highways and motorwaysin Mai 2004.
Competition of the tenderfor Czech Republic Truck Tolling Systemon 11th July2005& announcement of the winner on 21th of November 2005.
Appeals of the unsuccessful competitors at the Czech cartel authority from December2005 till March 2006.
Contract signaturewith the Czech Ministry of Transporton 31th of March 2006.Implementationof the Czech Republic Truck Tolling Systemfrom April to End ofNovember 2006.
Start ofcommercial operation on 1th of January 2007.
Construction time of about 9 months including a period of test operation.
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Strategic objectives and high level requirementsStrategic objectives from States perspectiveMigrationfrom time-based taxation system (vignette) to a distance-based conceptIncrease ofinvestments into road infrastructureImprovement ofcompetitivenessof other means of transport (e.g. railways)Limiting the inceasing number of trucks at the road network in Czech RepublicFirst steps towardstelematics applications(traffic management)Major tender requirementsTechnology indenpendet tender: Selection of the commercially and technicallybest conceptMaximumcomfortandnon-discriminatory system accessfor all usersAbility to extend the toll liable road network toall roadsin a later project phaseRisk of the uncertainnumber of usersto be taken into account
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Kapsch Group
Electronic toll collection in the CzechRepublic.
02.12.2009|Titel der Präsentation
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Parties involved.
ClientRoad OperatorEnforcementbody
Project ManagerSupplier andOperator
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Liable vehicles and liable toll road networkFrom20072010Commercial vehicles> 12 t maximum gross weight> 3,5 t maximum gross weight
Road network980 km highways and motorways+ 180 km 1stclass roads (transit routes)always one step ahead | 19
Kapsch TrafficCom
Architecture, On-Board Unit OBU, Tariffs.Technology: Standardised 5.8 GHz DSRCOpen system architecture & Multi Lane Free FlowFree access to highway network (no toll plazas at entries/exits)
Compulsory use of OBUEasy access to registration and service at more than 250 distribution and contact points.Deposit for OBU (prepay or post pay) 1550 CZK (appr. 410 DKK)
Tariffs depend onRoad type (Highways and expressways; 1stclass roads)Emission class (Euroclasses)Number of axlesTime of day (Higher tariffs between 3 pm and 9 pm)
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Kapsch Group
User services.
02.12.2009|Titel der Präsentation
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Network of distribution and contact points.
Distribution pointsContact pointsCall centreWeb portalKapsch TrafficCom
Petrol stationsCustomer service centresPhone, fax, e-mail, postalwww.premid.cz8 languages9 languagesalways one step ahead | 22
Customer contact point / Customer distribution point
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Czech OBU - premid unit - Starter package.Installed and ready to use within seconds!Show it!Technically compliant to Austria, Easygo, Spain, …
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Kapsch Group
Toll registration.
02.12.2009|Titel der Präsentation
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Multi Lane Free Flow tolling station on a highway.
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Tolling station on a 1stclass road.
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Kapsch Group
02.12.2009|Titel der Präsentation
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Enforcement methods in operationFixed EnforcementFixed gantry or pole covering one or several lanesCombined DSRC/Video/Laser solution
Mobile EnforcementEnforcement on the road executed by 35 enforcementvehicles by 24/7/365On-line connection to toll points and central systemMobile office in the vehicleVarious payment means accepted in the car
Handheld EnforcementChecking of OBUs while parkingRead out of data stored in On-board unitsOn-line access to central system and mobile enforcementvehicleKapsch TrafficCom29.09.2010always one step ahead | 29
Multi Lane Free Flow enforcement station.
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Mobile Enforcement – Mobile enforcement car.Enforcement/supervision on the road executedby 35 enforcement vehicles 24/7/365Connection to toll points and central systemFull enforcement functionality at any timeMobile office in the vehicleVarious payment means accepted in the car
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Mobile Enforcement – handheld device.Checking of OBUs while parkingRead out of data stored in On-board unitsReads vehicle data and last transactionsOn-line access to central system and mobileenforcement vehicle
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Manual validation centre.
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Kapsch Group
Facts and figures.
02.12.2009|Titel der Präsentation
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Facts & Figures.Toll incomeToll Income [MioEUR]300400.000250350.000300.000200250.000150200.000150.000100.0005050.00002007200820090200720082009
Active contracts/OBUsOBUs supplied450.000
45%55%Active contracts
Toll Income [Mio EUR]
Note: Initially estimated by State: 170.000
Post-paidalways one step ahead | 35
Kapsch TrafficCom
Kapsch Group
Future extensions and flexibility.
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Extension of toll highway and motorway network till 2015.
Tolled higways and motorways since 1.1.2007Tollable highways and motorways by 2013 – 2015Kapsch TrafficComalways one step ahead | 37
Telematics: Traffic Management System for D1 Highway.Implementation of the Traffic Management System for the Czech most used highwayD1 over almost 250 km by means of using existing System
Is composed of the following parts:Traffic flow sensor detection system,Additional system for FCD traffic flow detection system,System for calculation of travel times,Monitoring camera system,Variable traffic signs for traffic line control,control,Service information facilities.
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Extension to 2nd and 3rd class roads: GPS-based tollingAdding a GPS tolling functionality to the DSRC charging systemProvision of an open interface for connection of GPS-OBUs to the systemSupply of 5.000 GPS OBUs from KapschIntegration of 5.000 GPS OBUs from second source supplierRunning a trial and assessing technical feasibilityEvaluation of business case
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Kapsch Truck Tolling

Turn key providerDelivering tailored, scalable, and efficient tolling schemeKapsch TrafficCom29.09.2010always one step ahead | 40
ContentThe presentation will demonstrate that:5% of the road network will generate between 80% - 96% of the potential revenue;dependent on road network and tariffs, the operational cost (OpEx) will vary between6% to 19%, and;commercial and technological interoperability with existing BroBizz (used at Sund &Baelt) appears attractive.
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Truck Tolling is already operational in five European countriesDSRC based tollingDSRC/ALPR based enforcementDSRC and GNSS based tollingDSRC/ALPR based enforcementGNSS and Ticket based tollingDSRC/ALPR based EnforcementGNSS and Ticket based tollingDSRC/ALPR based enforcementTachograph and tolling (DSRC/GNSS support)DSRC/ALPR based enforcement
In progess to introduce:
France, PolandConsidering to introduce:
Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden, etc.Kapsch TrafficCom29.09.2010always one step ahead | 42
Key factsType of roadsHigways andExpresswaysHighways andExpresswaysLengthsVehiclesincludedTrucks, busses>3,5tTrucks, busses>3,5tTruck=12tPriceper km0,14 ... 0,37EUR/km0,03 ... 0,32EUR/km0,14 ... 0,28EUR/kmRevenueMio Eur1 0622234 410NA1 080
2.135 km1.265 km
Higways and some13.043 kmFederal RoadsHighways and1st class roads2.009 km71.380 km
Trucks, (busses) 0,02 ... 0,21> 3,5tEUR/kmTrucks> 3,5t1,73... 2,36EURCent/txkm
Switzerland All roads
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Potential revenue for Denmark
Highways/Expressways1 400 km (2%)Trucks registeredin DK and fromabroadPassenger carsregistered in DKand from abroadGrand totalMio Eur 297 / DKK 2 213(79%)
Other national Roads2 388 km (3%)Mio Eur 62 / DKK 462(17%)
Other roads69 900 km (95%)Mio Eur 15 / DKK 112(4%)
Mio Eur 772 / DKK 5 752(65%)EUR 1 069 million (68%)
Mio Eur 167 / DKK 1 244(14%)EUR 229 million (15%)
Mio Eur 253 / DKK 1 885(21%)EUR 268 million (17%)
Figure: Summary of potential revenue (values in million euro’s), supporting data are attached to the presentation
96% of the revenue from trucks will come from 5% of the road networkThe majority of the EUR 62 million will be collected on a small part of the national roadnetwork and thus a limitation in this road network would improve system efficiencyExpanding the tolling scheme to all vehicle on highways would increase the revenue by300%Kapsch TrafficCom29.09.2010always one step ahead | 44
System effeciency will be dependent on road network and technologyRevenue, dependent on e.g.:Number of users, traffic volumeHighType of road
Environmental class, axels and weight
Road network complexityRevenueLength of highways and rural roadsNumber of junctions
LowLowRoad networkcomplexity
Transaction cost for DSRC is lower thanfor GNSSRoad network expansion is easier/lessexpensive for GNSSNo viable business case to date supportingtolling on all roads (nation wide) for vehiclebelow 3,5 ton
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Predicted net revenue and operational cost (OpEx)95% of the road network will have limited contribution tothe net revenueTrue Life Cycle Cost (investment and OpEx) for trucktolling is estimated to be between 10%-15%The best choice of technology for truck tolling will bedependent on final requirements and optimization
DSRC is optimized for an all vehicle tolling scheme onhighways and national roads and as a result outperformsGNSS in that scenarioDSRC and/or Automatic License Plate Recognition(ALPR) is the only proven solution for congestioncharging
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Allowing interoperability and future migration into an all vehicle andcongestion charging scheme appears attractiveCommercial and technological interoperability with existing tolling schemes BroBizzappears attractiveApproximately 1 000 000 commuters and hollies in Copenhagen/Malmö region alreadyhas a BroBizz tolling account (used at Sund & Baelt)BroBizz and a BroBizz compatible OBU could be reused if going forward andintroducing all vehicle tolling and/or congestion charging in the futureGNSSDSRC/BroBizz
Domestic and international HGV’sHighwaysRevenueOpex (%)TechnologyHGV’sCars29712%GNSSNational roads6220%GNSSTotal35913%
Domestic and international carsHighways7725%GNSSDSRCNational roads16710%GNSSDSRCTotal1 2988%
Figure: Summary of potential revenue (values in million euro’s), supporting data are attached to the presentationKapsch TrafficCom29.09.2010always one step ahead | 47
Kapsch provides tailored system optimizing true life cycle costRoad sideGPS position
Central SystemUMTSTransaction / Commercial interface
GNSS tolling
Commercial Backoffice
Map Matchning
Operational Backoffice
Telematic Services
InhousecompetencesKapsch TrafficCom29.09.2010
True E2EAll core technologies
Technical operationCommercial operationLife Cycle management
DevelopmentIntegrationCommissioningalways one step ahead | 48
Summary and lessons learned80% of the potential revenue from trucks will come fromthe highways (3% of the road network)Most of the national and low level roads has almost noimpact on the total net revenueCommercial and system interoperability between nationsystems appears attractive, e.g. utilizing BrobizzPossession of data, i.e. central system located in country,has shown to be compulsory for all Authority systemsOperation cost (OpEx) has shown to be imperative forpublic acceptanceDSRC transaction for cars and GNSS tracking of trucksappears to be acceptable from a privacy aspectEvaluation criterias will define the final solution and thusshould consider mid and/or long term objectivesKapsch TrafficCom29.09.2010always one step ahead | 49