Trafikudvalget 2009-10
TRU Alm.del Bilag 468
Routes to Sustainable TransportEPTA Conference, Copenhagen, 2-3 November, 2010Draft programmeNovember 2nd
18:00November 3rd
The conference will take place at Christiansborg, the seat of the DanishNational Parliament.9:009:309:40CoffeeWelcome and opening of conference by Danish MPKeynote presentation on “Challenges, perspectives and currentEuropean developments and policies/strategies within the field ofsustainable transport”.First sub theme: Energy use for transportThe theme will focus on the share of energy available for transport insustainable energy systems in Europe and what an optimized use of thisenergy would mean for the transport systems. In short, this includes thepotential for sustainable use of bio fuels, for using hydrogen, electricityand other alternative fuels.11:1511:35CoffeeSecond sub theme: Technology options for sustainable transportThe theme will cover pipeline technologies for air and surfacetransportation and infrastructure. What technologies will be availablebeyond 2020 – or should be, also taking into account necessary push forresearch and development. In what ways could these new technologieshelp to mitigate the challenges of transport growth and CO2 emissionsfrom transport.12:4013:35LunchThird sub theme: Land use and physical planningThe theme will cover issues such as land use conflicts – how to improveand expand infrastructure to cover mobility needs in EU, preservingnature resorts etc. How physical/urban planning could contribute toreducing transport growth (dense urban areas instead of urban sprawletc). Sustainable urban mobility, changing modal split towards healthierand less GHG-producing transportation. (Shift from cars to publictransport and cycling/walking) (Regulative measures such as roadpricing).Conference dinner hosted by the Danish Board of Technology
CoffeeFourth sub theme: Transport crossing borders inside EuropeHigh speed rail and air transport are important future options for fastlong distance transport in Europe. What can be learned from experienceso far and what future strategies should be sought for, in terms ofgovernance, technology, common European physical planning, finance?Also policy measures such as road pricing, emission standards, speedlimits could be presented as cross border issues.
End of conference (refreshments)