Trafikudvalget 2009-10
TRU Alm.del Bilag 243
Traffic ControlRetractable BarrierModel 200Specifications are subject to changeKontakt os venligst for mere information
The IPS Model 200 traffic control delineators were developed as a safe and easyway to control or redirect traffic on roadways, parking areas and railroad crossings.Specifically designed to deter vehicles from entering a designated or protected area,the Model 200 delineators are used in situations where vehicle traffic control orredirection is desired. The state-of-the-art delineators are housed in self-contained,modular cartridges recessed in the ground and are uniquely easy to install, operateand maintain.
TYPICAL APPLICATIONSroadway work zones,parking lots, railroadcrossings, pedestriancrosswalks, reservedparking areas
NOTABLE FEATURESHeavy-duty aluminumsleeve deters drivers fromattempting to enter arestricted or controlled areaUnique patented smoothbore drive system protectsmotor from impact damageduring operationSelf-contained, modularcartridge can be easilyraised or lowered as desiredfor easy operation,maintenance and repairRetractable delineators canbe seamlessly integratedwith new or existing trafficcontrol or perimeter securityequipment, including accesscontrol systems, motorizedgates, and a variety of othervehicle sensors. Customsolutions can also bedesigned.IPS’ retractable delineatorscan be controlled andmonitored through a directconnection, or wirelesslyutilizing high-speed Ethernetradio or satellite
Stenlandsvej122300København S+4545 80 33 22
NOTABLE FEATURESIntegrated bilge pump,sealed motor housing, andoptional rubberencapsulated heatersprovide environmentalprotection in extremeclimatesBacklit design makes theModel 100 delineator visiblein all weather conditions,climates or times of day.Self-leveling installationbraces allow the delineatorsto be installed and leveledfrom road gradeLow power requirement –underground pylons operateon 24-volts and are chargedby standard power –provides easy and low-costoperationEasy to install delineatorsreduce project installationcosts – simply dig, trench ordirectional bore, positionunit, connect power andcontrols, and pour concrete
Stenlandsvej122300København S+4545 80 33 22