Trafikudvalget 2009-10
TRU Alm.del Bilag 204
4 February 2010Product Development CenterSpecial Engineering OperationSUV/BOF Limousine Engineering20901 Oakwood Blvd1HK07, MD 410Dearborn, MI 48124
To whom it may concern,The following vehicle 1L1FM88W96Y602232 was built by Coastal Coachworks for the 2006model year. At the time this vehicle was built, Coastal was a member of the QVM program andbased upon the information provided; this vehicle would be considered a QVM vehicle builtunder program guidelines.
Please call with questions,
JeffJeffrey A. MetzProgram CoordinatorQualified Vehicle ModifierProgramLimousine VehiclesLincoln Special Engineering OperationsPhone / Fax:313-32-27926([email protected])Mobile: 313-805-3157