Sundhedsudvalget 2009-10
SUU Alm.del Bilag 63
Sigita Bagdoniene [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:
20. oktober 2009 16:25Til:
Preben RudiengaardEmne:
Draft agenda of the 4th Cervical Cancer Summit MeetingDear Members,Please find attached the draft agenda of the 4th Cervical Cancer Summit Meeting to be held on 26-27thJanuary 2010 in the European Parliament. Your comments on this would be welcome as we want to makesure the congress meets your needs. Please take notice of the CCSM Session 3, New Technologies forCervical Cancer Screening. We expect these presentations will be of interest to you but want to make sureyou will not think this is a promotion of the products discussed. For these presentations, as for allpresentations, we will work to ensure the speakers give balanced and unbiased data.Your comments would be greatly appreciated.Sincerely,
Sigita BagdonieneECCA Information and Communication OfficerEmail: [email protected]GSM: +37065272427