Sundhedsudvalget 2009-10
SUU Alm.del Bilag 265
Oluf Anders Johnsson, 1368661 i MEd-CPE, the Pedagogic University School of Denmark, Aarhus University
”When Will They Ever Learn?”- Didactic Conditions Specially Important for Learning in Diabetes Education -Academic project-report on a qualitative, exploring single-case pilot studyFor the acquisition of the Master’s degree of Education in Professionals Continuing Education (MEd CPE)at the Pedagogic University School of Denmark, Aarhus University, Campus Copenhagen, June 2009
AbstractIntroduction:Evidence of learning effects of diabetes education is questioned in many scientificpublications. There are no golden standards on educational methods and problems using traditionalconcepts and methods of medical science to demonstrate behavioural change of diabetics afterparticipation in diabetes education. ‘Non-learning’ with insignificant changes in biochemical dataand in behaviour are frequently reported.Design:Qualitative, exploring single-case pilot study.Aim:Exploration of didactic factors of diabetes education in a hospital setting possibly accountablefor this ‘non-learning’ phenomenon and tentatively to diagnose, explain or raise questions andhypotheses of this ‘non-learning phenomenon for further research to improve diabetes education andby this diabetic mastering outcomes, quality of life and – of treatment. Study focus: Patient-outcomefrom a non-medical, but health pedagogic and profession educational perspective.Material:9newly diagnosed (2008-2009) type-2-diabetics and 1 type-1-diabetic (dgn. 1997).Methods:Non-participative, objectivating observation of the initial phase of a 4 day-diabetes-course. Semi-structured interview at the end of the course. First experiment to use 100mmVisual Analogue Scalefor global evaluation. Triangulation with documents: course curricula, evaluation reports andscientific literature.Results:Various signs pointing at significant didactic factors to explain andunderstand this non-learning phenomenon could be explored despite a small sample.Conclusion:The study reveiled the illuminating relevance to do further research on a larger scale to improvereliability and validity of the findings with the aim to improve quality of treatment and quality oflife.# 234Keywordsdiabetes mellitus, diabetes education, diabetes schools, evidence, evaluation, scientific methods,non-learning