Socialudvalget 2009-10
SOU Alm.del Bilag 285
Seminar 8Center for Healthy Aging and International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU).

“Prevention in old age”

Time:Venue:Friday June 11th2010 at 13.00-15.30Aleksandersalen, Bispetorv 1-3, 1167 Kbh.
Professor Allan KrasnikCenter for Healthy Aging - Programme 4 (Preventive Medication).
Programme:13.00-13.05 Introduction, Ass. Professor Carsten Hendriksen13.05-14.00 Professor Thomas Gill, Yale University, USA.The role of preventive health care(40 min. and 15 min. discussion)Coffee break14.15-15.00 Professor Steve Iliffe, University College London, UKPrevention in old age from the primary care perspective(30 min. and 15 min. discussion)15.00-15.30 Professor emeritus, Chairman of Age Forum Povl RiisEthical dilemmas of the research and implementationsDrinks/snacks
Copenhagen Center for Healthy Aging, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagenis funded by the Danish Nordea Foundation