Socialudvalget 2009-10, Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg 2009-10
SOU Alm.del Bilag 205, PØU Alm.del Bilag 96
Cortes Generales
Madrid, 1 March 2010
Dear Mr. Chairman / Madam Chair,
Within the framework of the activities scheduled under the parliamentary dimension of the SpanishPresidency of the European Union, on 29 April 2010 the Senate shall be hosting a meeting of EqualityCommittee Chairs of EU Parliaments.
We are convinced you will agree with us as to the present moment’s crucial importance with regardsto strengthening the European Union’s role in fields such as gender violence.
In this context, we are honoured to invite you to take part in the meeting to be held in Madrid. Pleasefind attached the draft programme and general information.
Hoping you find this initiative of interest and looking forward to welcoming you to Madrid, allow us toavail of this opportunity to assure you of our highest esteem and consideration.
María del Carmen Calvo PoyatoChair of the Equality CommitteeCongress of Deputies
María Isabel Flores FernándezChair of the Equality CommitteeSenate