Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg 2009-10, Socialudvalget 2009-10
PØU Alm.del Bilag 58, SOU Alm.del Bilag 124
Dear Colleague,2010 is a significant year for gender equality. At the global level the 15-year reviewof the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action will takeplace. At European Union level violence is recognised as a human rights violation andmany policy instruments are currently being revised and can be improved to targetviolence. In several Member States new tools are being created to offer womengreater protection. In addition, the Council of Europe is working on a frameworkconvention covering the severest and most widespread forms of violence againstwomen in Europe.The European Parliament will celebrate this year's International Women's Day with anevent which will bring together European and national parliamentarians from ourcorresponding committees. The theme for this year is violence against women. Ibelieve that through direct contributions from national parliamentarians we canfacilitate the process of creating a political and legal environment in which violenceagainst women is eliminated.Our meeting will be opened by the President of European Parliament, Mr JerzyBUZEK. Ms Bibiana AÍDO ALMAGRO, Minister for Gender Equality of Spain(tbc), Ms Mara CARFAGNA, Minister for Equal Opportunities of Italy and Ms InésALBERDI, Executive Director of the United Nations Development Fund for Women(UNIFEM) will address the meeting.Representatives of Parliaments in the 27 EU Member States, candidate countries andthe Council of Europe are invited to attend. I would be very honoured if a delegationof two Members (or four Members from bicameral legislatures) from your Parliamentcould attend this event on Tuesday, 16 March 2010 from 9h00 to 12h30 in thehemicycle of the European Parliament in Brussels. Should you be unable to attend, wewould welcome any written contribution which can be distributed to the participants.The practical details including the draft programme for the meeting will be forwardedto your Parliament's Representatives/Services directly responsible for relations withthe European Parliament.Please do not hesitate to contact our services for any further information at thefollowing e-mail address:[email protected]I look forward to hearing from you,Yours sincerely,