Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg 2009-10
PØU Alm.del Bilag 20
Annual International Conference onGovernance, Public Services and Administrative ReformDay 1 (Tuesday 1


December 2009)09:00Registration and Refreshments09:45Chairman’s Introduction and WelcomeDr Nigel Forman,former MP and Minister, United Kingdom (confirmed)10:00Administrative and Public Services Reform: Purpose and Practice,Public ExpectationsLord Blackwell,Centre for Policy Studies Board Member; Former Head ofPrime Minister’s Policy Unit (confirmed)Maria Rankka,President, Timbro, Sweden (confirmed)Baroness Hamwee,Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Regional and LocalGovernment (confirmed)11:00 Morning Coffee11:15Projects in Progress: Old and New Models of ReformDavid Albury,Co-Chair, the Innovation Unit; former Principal Adviser, UKPrime Minister’s Strategy Unit (confirmed)Sir Ian Magee CB, Senior Fellow, Institute for Government (invited)Dr Indianna D. Minto-Coy, Research Fellow, CIGI & University ofWaterloo, Ontario, Canada (invited)12:45Identifying and Sharing International Best PracticeGroup A:Bhartendra Singh Baswan,Director, Indian Institute of PublicAdministration, India (confirmed)Group B:Martin Stanley,Interim Chief Executive of the Public Service ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands (confirmed)13:15 Lunch14:00Public Services and Public Spending under Political and FinancialPressureDr The Hon B. Hookoom, Minister of Civil Service and AdministrativeReform, Mauritius (invited)Lord Filkin,Chairman, 2020 Public Services Trust; Former Minister andCouncil Chief Executive (confirmed)Phillip Blond,Director, Progressive Conservatism Project, Demos(confirmed)Dr Victoria teVelde, Director, Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit (invited)15:00 Afternoon Tea15:15Identifying and Sharing International Best PracticeGroup A:Bhartendra Singh Baswan,Director, Indian Institute of PublicAdministration, India (confirmed)Group B:Martin Stanley,Interim Chief Executive of the Public Service ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands (confirmed)16:15Working Group Reports to Plenary16:30Close & Networking Drinks Reception
Annual International Conference onGovernance, Public Services and Administrative ReformDay 2 (Wednesday 2


December 2009)9:45Chairman’s Introduction and WelcomeDr Nigel Forman,former MP and Minister (confirmed)
10:00The Civil Service and Public Sector under Performance PressureAndrew Haldenby,Director, Reform; Author, Fit for Purpose (confirmed)Professor Edward Page,Department of Government, London School ofEconomics, United Kingdom (confirmed)Ari Sihvola,Head of Haus International, Haus Finnish Institute of PublicManagement, Finland (confirmed)Fernando Garcia Ferreiro, Head of Career Guidance and HRM DevelopmentUnit, European Commission Directorate General for Personnel andAdministration (confirmed)11:15 Morning Coffee11:30Public Service Commissions and Public AccountabilityKingston Rhodes,Chairman, International Civil Service Commission,United Nations (confirmed)Janet Gaymer CBE QC,Commissioner for Public Appointments(confirmed)Sir Andrew Foster, Chairman, 2020 Public Services Commission (invited)12:30Identifying and Sharing International Best PracticeGroup A:Bhartendra Singh Baswan,Director, Indian Institute of PublicAdministration, India (confirmed)Group B:Martin Stanley,Interim Chief Executive of the Public Service ofthe Turks and Caicos Islands (confirmed)13:15 Lunch14:15Working with and Learning from the Voluntary and Private Sectors toDeliver Public ServicesBhartendra Singh Baswan,Director, Indian Institute of PublicAdministration, India (confirmed)Philip Cullum,Deputy Chief Executive, Consumer Focus (confirmed)Sir Peter Dixon,Chair, University College London Hospitals, Chair, theOffice for Public Management (confirmed)15:15 Afternoon Tea15:30The Public Sector in the 21st CenturyLord Richard Best OBE,President, Local Government Association(confirmed)16:15Chairman’s Closing RemarksDr Nigel Forman,former MP and Minister (confirmed)16:30Close followed by Drinks Reception