OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 8
STANDING COMMITTEE MEETINGOF THE OSCE PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLYAthensSaturday, 10 October 20093:00 p.m.1.Call to OrderThe meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. with Mr. Joao SOARES(Portugal), President of OSCE PA, in the Chair.2.Adoption of the AgendaThe agenda was amended to accommodate the schedule of the OSCESecretary General and then adopted.3.Report of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyThe PRESIDENT reported to the Standing Committee on his activities onbehalf of the Parliamentary Assembly since the Annual Session in Vilniusand discussed upcoming activities.4.Report by the TreasurerMr. Roberto BATTELLI (Slovenia) presented the Treasurer’s Report to theStanding Committee, which included the Assembly’s Approved Budget for2009/2010 and the List of Contributions for the current financial year.5.Report by the OSCE PA Secretary GeneralMr. Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General) presented his report to theStanding Committee.6.Reports and Information on Activities of the OSCEParliamentary AssemblyElection Observation Mission to Kyrgyzstan:Mr. HOEGLUND(Norway) reported on the election observation mission in Kyrgyzstan.Speakers: Mr. SOARES (President), Mr. ORMONOV (Kyrgyzstan).
Election Observation Mission to Moldova:Mr. EFTHYMIOU(Greece) reported to the Standing Committee on the election observationmission in Moldova.Speakers: Mr. CORUZ (Netherlands), Mr. SOARES (President).Follow-Up Visit regarding Elections in Albania:Mr. GROSSRUCK(Austria) reported to the Standing Committee on his follow-up visit toAlbania after the election observation mission.Speakers: Mr. SOARES (President).Upcoming Election Observation Missions:Ms. SCHOEN (DeputySecretary General) informed the Standing Committee about the upcomingelection observation mission to Ukraine and possible election observationactivities in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.Parliamentary Team on Moldova:The new Chair of theParliamentary Team on Moldova, Ms. HABSBURG DOUGLAS (Sweden),informed the Standing Committee of the Team’s upcoming plans.Special Representative on Nagorno-Karabakh:Mr. Lennmarker(Sweden) reported to the Standing Committee on his current activities forthis region.Special Representative on Central Asia– Mr. Kiljunen (Finland)reported to the Standing Committee on his activities.Speakers: Mr. CARDIN (USA), Mr. SOARES (President).Special Representative on South East Europe:Mr. BATTELLI(Slovenia) reported on the OSCE PA’s activities in this region.Speaker: Mr. SOARES (President).Special Representative on Mediterranean Affairs:Mr. Hastings(USA) reported on his activities with regard to the Mediterranean.Special Representative on Gender Issues:(Sweden) reported to the Standing Committee.Ms. TINGSGAARD
Mr. CORUZ (Netherlands) highlighted the absence of a SpecialRepresentative on Migration due to Ms. Solis’ departure from theAssembly. He informed the President that a letter is forthcoming to thePresident suggesting a replacement for this position.Speakers: Mr. SOARES (President).
Report on Arrangements for Upcoming OSCE PA MeetingsThe PRESIDENT informed the Standing Committee of the followingupcoming meetings:-Bureau Meetingon 30thNovember 2009 in Athens, Greece inconjunction with the OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting onDecember 1 and 2, 2009.Winter Meetingon 18 and 19 February 2010 in Vienna,Austria.Bureau Meetingon April 18-19, 2010 in CopenhagenMay 2009– There will be a meeting in Astana in May 2009organized by the Kazakh Delegation.19thAnnual Session 2010 in Oslo:Mr. HOEGLUND(Norway) informed the Standing Committee about preparationsfor the next Annual Session (July 6-10, 2010).Fall Meetings, 2010:Mr. MIGLIORI (Italy) informed theStanding Committee about preparations for the next FallMeetings in Palermo, Italy (October 8-11, 2010).Speaker: Mr. Francesco CASCIO, President of Sicilian RegionalAssembly-20thAnnual Session 2011:Ms. GRUBJESIC (Serbia), Headof the Serbian Delegation, informed the Standing Committeethat Serbia would like to host the Assembly’s Annual Session in2011.The invitation from Serbia was unanimously approved byacclaim.-Fall Meetings 2011:The PRESIDENT informed the StandingCommittee that the Assembly received an invitation fromCroatia to host the Fall Meetings in 2011 in Dubrovnik.
Briefing by the Secretary General of the OSCE, AmbassadorMarc Perrin de BrichambautMr. DE BRICHAMBAUT (Secretary General of the OSCE) briefed theStanding Committee on the status of the OSCE’s Unified Budget Proposalfor 2010.Speakers: Mr. HOEGLUND (Norway), Mr. SOARES (President).Mr. DE BRICHAMBAUT replied to questions.
The PRESIDENT adjourned the meeting at 5:25 p.m.