OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 73
The meeting was opened at 9.03 a.m. with Mr Joao SOARES (Portugal), President ofOSCE PA, in the Chair.2.Adoption of the Agenda
The draft agenda was adopted.
Remarks by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Mr JoaoSOARES (Portugal)
The PRESIDENT reported to the Standing Committee on his visits to the SouthCaucasus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey and Turkmenistan, as well as on the Trans-Asian Parliamentary Forum. He also reported on the evidence he gave to the HelsinkiCommission on his visit to Washington DC.4.Report of the Chairperson of the Rules Sub-Committee
Ms CHRISTMAS-MØLLER reported on the meeting of the Sub-Committee on the Rulesof Procedure. Ms CHRISTMAS-MØLLER stated that the Sub-Committee would makeno recommendation at this stage, but there would be a comprehensive review of the Rulesof Procedure at the Fall Meeting in Palermo. This comprehensive review will alsoinclude the rule on appointment of the Secretary General. The Sub-Committee will thenpresent its proposals for changes to the Rules of Procedure at the next Winter Meeting.Speaker: Mr EGLITIS (Latvia)5.Report by the Treasurer
Mr BATTELLI (Slovenia) presented the Treasurer’s report to the Standing Committee.Speakers: Mr LLOYD (United Kingdom), Ms BARNETT (Germany)
Mr Spencer OLIVER, Secretary General of the OSCE PA, responded.Speaker: Mr BILORUS (Ukraine)Mr BATTELLI responded.The President thanked the Treasurer.DECISION:The Standing Committee unanimously approved the Proposed Budget forthe financial year 1stOctober 2010 to 30thSeptember 2011It was announced that the Budget will be made available to the Assembly in accordancewith Rule 41, paragraph 2 of the Assembly’s Rules of Procedure.
Report by the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Mr Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly)presented his report.Speaker: Mr KANERVA (Finland)
Renewal of the Term of the Secretary General of the OSCE ParliamentaryAssemblySpeakers: Mr CARDIN (USA), Mr KOZLOVSKIY (Russia), Mr EGLITIS(Latvia), Mr VAN DEN EYNDE (Belgium), Mr DI NINO (Canada), MrEFTHYMIOU (Greece), Ms BARNETT (Germany), Mr VOISIN (France)
The PRESIDENT reminded the Committee that according to Rule 40 of the Rules ofProcedure, the renewal of the mandate of the Secretary General took place by a majorityvote of the Standing Committee.The PRESIDENT moved that the Standing Committee renew the appointment of MrSpencer OLIVER as Secretary General of the OCSE Parliamentary Assembly inaccordance with Rule 40.The motion to renew the appointment of Mr Spencer OLIVER as Secretary General ofthe OSCE Parliamentary Assembly was put to the vote.Ayes:41Noes:2Abstentions: 3
DECISION:The Standing Committee renewed the appointment of Mr SpencerOLIVER as Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly for anadditional five years beginning at the end of his present term.
Practical and Procedural Matters for the Nineteenth Annual Session
Mr Snorre VALEN (Norway) addressed the Standing Committee and welcomed theAssembly to Norway.The PRESIDENT informed the Standing Committee that the deadline for the nominationof Assembly Officers would be at 10 a.m. on Friday 9thJuly, and that the elections wouldbe held on the morning of Saturday 10thJuly between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.The PRESIDENT also informed the Standing Committee that if they agreed to put thesupplementary item on the situation in Kyrgyzstan on the Agenda of the Plenary thatafternoon, the Speakers List would close at 3.00 p.m.The Standing Committee ratified the membership of General Committees in accordancewith Rule 35(2).Supplementary ItemsThe PRESIDENT informed the Standing Committee that 35 Supplementary Items hadbeen submitted in accordance with Rule 21.DECISION:The Standing Committee approved the inclusion of the SupplementaryItems on the Assembly’s agenda.The PRESIDENT’s proposal for the distribution of Supplementary Items between theGeneral Committees and the Plenary was agreed as follows:Plenary:17. Kyrgyzstan35. Strengthening the Involvement of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in theOSCE Corfu Process on Security in EuropeFirst General Committee on Political Affairs and Security:1. Promoting An Atmosphere Of Trust In OSCE PA6. Strengthening the 1999 Vienna Document Regime on Confidence- andSecurity-Building Measures (CSBMs) Negotiations
7. Supporting the Peace Process in the Middle East10. Nuclear Security14. Demarcation and Delimitation of State Borders of the Sovereign States InEastern Europe18. Strenghtening the Role, Efficiency and Impact of the OSCE ParliamentaryAssembly20. Moldova23. Guantanamo25. Fighting Terrorism, the Production and Trafficking of Narcotics and IllegalEmigration in Afghanistan27. Future Priorities of the OSCE PA: The Next Decade30. Inadmissibility of the Use of National Armed Forces on the Territory ofNeighbouring and Contiguous States32. UN Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security
Second General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology andEnvironment:2. The Arctic3. Responsibilities of participating States of the OSCE Towards Ensuring GlobalEnergy Security4. International Negotiations Regarding Climate Change5. Mediterranean Co-operation9. The Right of Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees to Return to TheirPlace of Origin11. The Matching of Agricultural Production with Protection of NaturalEcosystems13. Migration as a Continuing Challenge for the OSCE21. Cyber Crime
24. Experts’ Status in Decision-Making Processes29. The Fulfilment of the Millennium Development GoalsThird General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and HumanitarianQuestions:8. The OSCE’S Commitment in Favour of Religious Freedom and the Separationbetween Religious Communities and the State12. The Protection of Investigative Journalists15. National Minorities in Inter-State Relations16. The Prohibition of Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation orGender Identity19. Women’s Rights and Reproductive Health22. The Death Penalty26. Partnership in Assisting Refugees28. Not Using Hotels Which Assist the Sex Trade31. The Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of Armed Forces Personnel33. Stepping Up the Struggle against Human Trafficking for Purposes of SexualExploitation in OSCE Countries34. Combating Demand for Human Trafficking and Electronic Forms ofExploitation9.Future OSCE PA Meetings
The PRESIDENT announced that theFall Meetingswould be held inPalermo, Italy,from 8-11 October 2010.Speaker: Mr Riccardo MIGLIORI (Italy)The PRESIDENT announced that theWinter Meetingwould be held inViennaon17-18February 2011.(CORRECTION: The dates of the Winter Meeting have been changedto24-25 February 2011).
The PRESIDENT announced that the20thAnnual Session of the OSCEwould be held inBelgrade, Serbia, from 6-10 July 2011.Speaker: Ms Suzana GRUBJESIC (Serbia)The PRESIDENT announced that invitations had been received for future years.Speakers: Mr Jean-Charles GARDETTO (Monaco), Mr Alaattin BUYUKKAYA(Turkey), Mr Tonino PICULA (Croatia)The Standing Committee agreed to hold its 21stAnnual Session in Monaco (5-9 July,2012).The Standing Committee agreed to hold its 22ndAnnual Session in Istanbul, Turkey(dates TBC).The Standing Committee agreed to hold the 2011 Fall Meetings in Dubrovnik, Croatia (7-10 October, 2011).
Reports and Information on Activities of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Election Observation MissionsThe PRESIDENT reported on the UK elections.TajikistanMs Pia CHRISTMAS-MØLLER reported on the elections.
Forthcoming Elections:Ms Tina SCHOEN, Deputy Secretary General, reported on the plans for electionobservation missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, the USA andAzerbaijan..Ad Hoc CommitteesReport of the Parliamentary Group on MoldovaMs Walburga HABSBURG DOUGLAS reported on the activities of the Committee.Special Representatives:Ms Kathleen FERRIER, Special Representative Migration, reported on her work.
Mr Michel VOISIN, Special Representative for Afghanistan, reported on his work.Mr Goran LENNMARKER, Special Representative on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,reported on his work.Mr Roberto BATTELLI, Special Representative on South East Europe, reported on hiswork.Mr Kimmo KILJUNEN, Special Representative on Central Asia, reported on hiswork.Ms Pia Christmas-Møller, a Vice President of the Assembly, took the Chair.Mr Petur BLÖNDAL, Special Representative on the OSCE Budget, reported on his work.The President resumed the Chair.Mr Chris SMITH, Special Representative on Human Trafficking Issues, reported on hiswork.
Other Business
Ms MURADOVA (Azerbaijan) raised the question of conflict between Armenia andAzerbaijan.Speakers: Mr SAFARYAN (Armenia), Mr LENNMARKER (Sweden)Mr Ivor CALLELY (Ireland) praised the work of the Special Representative on HumanTrafficking Issues.
Close of meeting
The PRESIDENT closed the meeting at 11:48 a.m.