OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 54
THE SENATE OF CANADAThe Hon. Consiglio Di Nino
K1A 0A4
February 3, 2010
Dear Colleague,After serious reflection over the Christmas period and the encouragement from several of our colleagues, whom Igreatly respect, I have decided to seek the Presidency of the OSCE PA. The purpose of this letter is to briefly informyou about myself and to seek your support and that of our colleagues.My family and I immigrated to Canada from Italy in 1951 when I was 13 years old. Our experiences were similar toother immigrant families, overcoming barriers and rejection and facing the difficulties associated with the transitionto a new and strange environment. My career, prior to entering politics, was in the financial service sector. Isuccessfully founded Cabot Trust Company and presided over it for 13 years until its sale to a large multinationalcompany.I have been a Senator in the Parliament of Canada for 19 years and have held several senior positions, includingChair of the Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade and I am the Government Whipin the Senate. I have been an active member and head of the delegation to the OSCE PA for several years. Currently Iam Chair the First Committee on Political Affairs and Security of the OSCE PA. My experiences as an electionobserver include heading Short Term Observation Missions in Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic. Theseexperiences have given me a clearer understanding of the need to have a better balance between participating stateseast and west of Vienna.I am prepared to commit to serve as President of our organization in order to continue to strengthen the PA's role andimportance in the OSCE and build stronger relationships with other OSCE institutions. I believe we,as parliamentarians, should play a stronger role in strengthening the OSCE in its mandate to further peace andsecurity in the wider European and central Asian areas.If I am honored with the trust of my colleagues and become President, I will continue to work with our Secretariat tobuild on our achievements to date. But I will also reach out to our members for your guidance and ideas. I believe myextensive experiences in both the private and public sectors will be of value in meeting the challenges ourorganization faces.I look forward to meeting you at our winter meeting in Vienna, where I will be happy to discuss my candidacy withyou. In the meantime I can be reached by email[email protected]or by phone, office 613-943-1454, cell 416-774-8423. I hope my past service to the OSCE PA has earned your trust and respect and that you will considersupporting my candidacy.With best wishes,
Senator Consiglio Di Nino