OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 54
SENATE SÉNATOttawa, OntarioCANADAK1A 0A4Tel. (613) 943-1454, Fax: (613) 943-1883
The Honourable Senator Consiglio Di NinoL'honorable Sénateur Consiglio Di NinoGovernment Whip in the SenateWhip du gouvernement au Sénat
June 21, 2010
Dear colleague,As you undoubtedly know, I am seeking the Presidency of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA) atthe Annual Session in Oslo. Having been encouraged by many of you, on February 4, 2010, I officially enteredthe race by way of the enclosed announcement. Since then, many of you have engaged me in dialogue about ourorganization and sought my views on various subjects. I thank you for this. It has helped me better focus myvision for the OSCE PA for the next decade.Some participating States are questioning therelevancy of the OSCE in the 21stcentury.First, andmost importantly, I believe that the PA must continue to play a prominent role in helping shape the debate onthe OSCE, as well as the vision for the Organization today, and in the future.We, the Parliamentary arm of the organization, have a duty to engage in the debate and analysis onthefuture of our organization.Indeed, we are uniquely positioned to contribute to this, the most importantexercise since its founding and which the OSCE’s Corfu Process has helped to advance. The 2005 OSCE PAColloquium on the Future of the OSCE is a sound foundation for this analysis. To complement these efforts, Iwill introduce a supplementary item on the future of the OSCE PA at our Annual Session in Oslo, andencourage all colleagues to participate in the debate. I have no doubt that the PA’s contributions will be useful inpreparing for a possible OSCE Summit later this year.Aided by our strong and effective secretariat, if elected President, I will strike a committee to prepare aten year, long-term plan for the PA with achievable goals and objectives and which the Assembly will debate atour Annual Session in 2011. In the more immediate term, I will engage all colleagues on some of the keychallenges facing the OSCE region including: protracted conflicts, the resurgence of intolerance, the role of theMediterranean and Asian Partners for Co-operation, the need to strive for gender balance, and the growingimportance of Central Asia as we strive to ensure the stability and development of Afghanistan and itsneighborhood.Some of you have also raised the question of a Canadian as President, I must admit mostly supportive.Let me share my response. As a native of Italy and frequent visitor to Europe and Asia, I have a soundunderstanding of the complex and overlapping issues facing all OSCE participating states. Moreover, Canadianshave distinguished themselves as combatants and peacekeepers in the wars and conflicts fought in the Europeanzone. Indeed, it was a Canadian, the Right Honourable Lester B. Pearson, whose vision led to the creation bythe UN of peacekeeping forces, for which he was awarded the Noble Peace Prize. Canada and North Americamore generally are closely linked to Europe socially, culturally and economically. The recent global economiccrisis is a perfect example of these linkages and, as we jointly emerge from its devastating effects, Canada isamong the countries leading the way towards a recovery.A few colleagues have asked me to explain how Senators in Canada differ from members of the Houseof Commons. Modelled after the UK Westminster system, our system of government is a constitutionalmonarchy and a parliamentary democracy. The Parliament of Canada has distinct components, each with itsown constitutional authority. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is Queen of Canada and our Head of State. She isrepresented in Canada by the Governor General, who appoints members to the Upper House, the Senate. Theseappointments are made on the recommendation of the Prime Minister who chooses from lists assembled byhis/her advisors, not unlike the party list system used by many OSCE PA participating states. The powers of theSenate are very similar to those of the House of Commons, whose members are elected based on representationby population according to the first Past the Post system. I hope this explanation is helpful.In conclusion, because of my success as a businessman, my extensive political career which includeschairing and managing many campaigns (locally, regionally and nationally), and my wide-ranging volunteeractivities in support of dozens of charitable, not-for-profit organizations, I offer a varied and rounded lifetimeof experience to be of service to the OSCE PA as its next President.I look forward to seeing all of you soon in Oslo, where I will once again ask for your support. Pleasefeel free to contact me at (+1-613) 943-1454, Cell (+1-416) 774-8423 and email[email protected].Warmest regards,
Consiglio Di Nino