OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 50
Heads of National Delegations tothe OSCE Parliamentary Assembly11 June 2010Dear Colleague,As you no doubt know, the current term of Spencer Oliver as our Secretary Generalexpires at the end of this year. Representing the Assembly’s Presidency for the past sixyears, the three of us welcome his candidacy and his willingness to continue in this position.We feel that the Assembly and our successors as Presidents of the Assembly would be bestserved by Spencer’s continued support, and we would like to ask for your backing in therenewal of his mandate.In accordance with Rule 40, Paragraph 1 of ourRules of Procedurethe mandate ofthe Secretary General shall be renewable by a majority vote of the Standing Committee.Each of us has had the good fortune to benefit from the support and advice ofSpencer Oliver during our Presidency. Spencer has been instrumental in the consolidation ofthe OSCE PA as a parliamentary institution that genuinely contributes to parliamentarydialogue and strengthening of democracy. The small but efficient staff that he hasassembled in Copenhagen and Vienna supports the many activities of us parliamentarians –which as you know have grown steadily over the years. In all fields – be it in relations withOSCE structures, election monitoring standards, or questions on Assembly procedures –Spencer’s counsel has always been sound and to the benefit of the Assembly.His background within the CSCE-OSCE field is unmatched by anyone else in theOrganization, and we have all profited from his wealth of knowledge on OSCE issues. Thisexperience within the CSCE is invaluable and has provided a solid foundation for our currentwork and deliberations.Spencer’s excellent stewardship of the finances of the Secretariat has ensured thatwe rarely spend any time discussing budgetary issues in the Assembly. This is a rare giftthat has enabled the Assembly to devote our time to political issues rather thanadministrative problems.We hope that you will support Spencer Oliver’s candidacy as Secretary General sothat all of us can continue to benefit from his counsel.
João SoaresPresident
Göran LennmarkerPresident, 2006-08
Alcee L. HastingsPresident, 2004-06