OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 46


Dear colleague,Dear fellow Member of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,
I hereby wish to share with you my intention to apply as a candidate for thePresidency of our Parliamentary Assembly in the upcoming elections, which will take placein Oslo, Norway, in July 2010.I was encouraged in this decision by the support of many parliamentarians –colleagues from all political groups and all countries of OSCE, East and West of Vienna.I present my candidacy with a high sense of responsibility paired with deep trust inthe work of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Since 2004, I have had the opportunity toserve consecutively as Vice-Chairman of the 2ndCommittee of the OSCE PA; as Chairmanof the 2ndCommittee of the OSCE PA; and, currently, as Vice-President of the ParliamentaryAssembly. Besides my term at OSCE, my international background as a Member of theEuropean Parliament (1999-2000), my term as Minister of Education (2000-2004) as well asthe experience gained as an elected Member of the Hellenic Parliament in three consecutiveelections have encouraged me to further serve our Assembly.I believe that as President of the Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE I can contributeto the safeguarding and strengthening of its political role. As you know, steps enhancing ourrole were already taken during the Greek Presidency of 2009, either through ourparticipation in political initiatives such as the Corfu Process, or through the confirmation ofthe leading role of the Parliamentary Assembly in the collaboration with ODIHR in electionobservation missions, as detailed in the Copenhagen Agreement.The principal aims of my candidacy are further strengthening democratic institutions;fighting corruption internationally; striving for media freedom; abolishing trafficking; as wellas taking on active measures for security on all levels. During my term I also wish to fight forgender equality - not only within the constraints of our Assembly, but also throughout themember nations and all of OSCE.Loyalty to the spirit of Helsinki is one of the most important goals of OSCE. This iswhy I wish to balance the activity of the Organization between the “East and West ofVienna”, while ensuring full respect for the principles of OSCE, in a manner including allparliamentarians: 56 member countries, from Vancouver to Vladivostok.
In the course of my term at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, I have had theprivilege to enjoy your collaboration, trust and friendship. Today, as I present my candidacyfor our Organization’s presidency, I wish to ask for your support in order to turn ourcommitment to OSCE’s principles into a solid action plan that will strengthen the political roleof our Assembly.
Yours sincerely,
Petros EfthymiouVice-President of the OSCE PA