OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 42
Heads of OSCE PA DelegationsBureau MembersSecretaries of OSCE PA DelegationsCopenhagen, 21 May 2010
Dear Heads of Delegations,Please find attached a short report prepared by Matteo Mecacci, Rapporteur ofour Third General Committee on Human Rights, Democracy and HumanitarianQuestions. Prior to our recent Trans Asian Parliamentary Forum, Mr. Mecacci wasable to visit a prominent human rights defender in Kazakhstan. He has asked that hisreport be distributed to all delegations.I look forward to seeing you all shortly in Oslo,Yours sincerely,
R. Spencer Oliver
_________________Raadhusstraede 1, 1466 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - [email protected] - www.oscepa.org