OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 38
RapporteurMr. Sergiy ShevchukUkraine
Oslo, 6 to 10 July 2010
1.Recognizing that transnational crime and corruption pose a serious threat to thefundamental principles and common values of the OSCE, violate human rights, underminethe rule of law and impede socio-economic development,2.Aware that transnational crime and corruption abet criminal activities such asmoney-laundering, illegal migration and trafficking in human beings, the smuggling ofweapons and narcotic drugs and also criminal activities in many areas of the State’s economicactivities, thus undermining, in the broad sense of the term, the legitimacy of State authorityand society’s confidence in it,3.Convinced that the fight against transnational crime and corruption must becomprehensive and based on bilateral, regional and international co-operation in preventingand combating crime,4.Noting the proposal contained in the Vilnius Declaration calling for more effectiveco-operation between the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development(OECD), the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) and the FinancialStability Forum, and also the call for more effective regulation of banking equity capital and,in particular, the accumulation of additional reserves,5.Recalling the resolution adopted at the annual session in Astana on the encouragementof transparency in the extractive industries,The Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE6.Calls for greater co-ordination between OSCE participating States in order toformulate concerted measures aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the monitoring andmanagement of the financial system at the national and international levels so as to ensurethat it is more transparent and accountable;7.Calls on participating States to apply voluntary instruments for the prevention ofcorruption, including the Principles of Corporate Governance devised by the OECD, and tocarry out an assessment of their justice and law enforcement systems, using, where necessary,the available instruments and studies conducted by international organizations, scientificsocieties and public associations;8.Calls again on the parliaments of participating States to ensure transparency andopenness in their legislative processes, to introduce and see to the observance ofparliamentary ethical norms, to provide for proper oversight over the work of governmentalinstitutions, and to ensure the protection of persons and public organizations that exposeviolations;9.Supports measures to counter tax evasion, crimes in the financial sector and thelaundering of monetary assets, and again proposes to participating States that they introduce
-2-obligatory rules governing the operations of offshore banking centres in order to ensureco-operation on their part and transparency in their activities;10.Expects effective co-operation on the part of international organizations (OECD,FATF and others) so as to avoid a reduction in tax revenue due to fraud and tax evasion, andalso proposes that new measures be taken as part of the joint initiative of the United Nationsand the World Bank (StAR) for the recovery of stolen assets and the elimination of “safehavens” for illegally acquired funds;11.Calls on participating States to seek to impart transparency to the budgetary process intheir countries with the help,inter alia,of effective internal auditing procedures, thesubmission of financial reports and reports on budget spending, the support of independentmedia and third-party monitoring of the State procurement process;12.Recommends to the national parliaments of OSCE participating States that they passlaws to encourage transparency in the activities of private business;13.Urgently recommends to companies operating in the petroleum, gas and miningsectors and also to the governments of countries that are highly dependent on revenue fromthese branches – something that is often accompanied by corruption in State agencies – thatthey introduce the practice of mandatory accounting in respect of income from operationscarried out within and outside the country and that they accede to the Extractive IndustriesTransparency Initiative (EITI);14.Underscores the importance of preserving the quality of the environment even duringperiods of financial crisis;15.Calls on participating States to conduct an assessment of existing State procurementand administration practices in the area of public health – from scientific research anddevelopment to the distribution of medicines and the strategies used to sell them – byassessing to what degree these practices are in conformity with the World HealthOrganization’s Good Governance for Medicines programme, which has been in effect since2004;16.Supports regional co-operation between law enforcement agencies andnon-governmental organizations in combating transnational crime;17.Urgently calls on the participants in the next meeting of the OSCE MinisterialCouncil in 2010 to examine practical ways of promoting co-operation between participatingStates in efforts to combat corruption and transnational crime; specifically, to consider thequestion of the advisability of introducing sanctions against corrupt representatives of theexecutive, legislative and judicial branches of government;18.Calls on the Lithuanian Chairmanship of the OSCE in 2011 and the Office of theCo-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities to include an examination ofthe question of combating transnational crime and corruption in the 2011 action plan and,specifically, on the agenda of the 19th annual meeting of the OSCE Economic andEnvironmental Forum and of the relevant preparatory conferences.
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