OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2009-10
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 19
The Secretary GeneralTo: Heads of all OSCE PA DelegationsCC: Secretaries of OSCE PA DelegationsCopenhagen, 21 January 2010Dear Heads of Delegations,Following the presidential elections in Ukraine on 17 January, a second round will take place on 7 February2010. The OSCE PA will send an election observation mission to the second round, again under theleadership of President Joao Soares.Members who observed the first round of the elections, who are willing to go back to observe the secondround, need to bring their accreditation badge back to Ukraine. Members who do not have their badge willneed to complete the accreditation form and a new badge will be issued. We have received indications fromthe Central Election Commission that they will allow accreditation of new Members for this round.However, they will need to receive the completed formsas well as a copy of their passportfor newregistrations. Due to the short notice, the final deadline for the registration isWednesday 27 January2010.Please note that due to observer accreditation procedures, no late registrations will be possible.Those interested in obtaining more information about the Election Observation Mission to Ukraine areasked to contact Deputy Secretary General Tina Schøn or Logistics Officer Petra Jezkova([email protected]) at the International Secretariat.Please find attached the registration, deployment and accreditation forms. Please complete these forms forall Members interested in observing and return them as soon as possible. I also attach a hotel reservationform for Kyiv. The hotel deadline is alsoWednesday 27 January 2010.We encourage deployment outsideKyiv, and further information on regional arrangements, including hotels, will be communicated soon.We will organize a short a briefing programme in Kyiv on 5 February, however, Members who are unableto attend this can travel directly to and from their places of deployment. They should arrive in Ukraine nolater than mid-day on 6 January and stay for the debriefing on Monday 8 January.I also wish to inform you that national parliaments are responsible for all expenses of their members andthat all meetings and briefings will be conducted in English only.As usual, the OSCE PA will work in co-operation with the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions andHuman Rights and other international parliamentary institutions present during the election.Yours sincerely,
Spencer Oliver, Secretary General_________________Raadhusstraede 1, 1466 Copenhagen K., DenmarkPhone: +45 33 37 80 40 - Fax: +45 33 37 80 30 - [email protected] - www.oscepa.org