Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 51
GLOBE / COM+ Media Activites – Friday 23rdto Sunday 25thOctober (Draft 1)Friday 23rdOctober – GLOBE / COM+ Media activities12:40Registration / Accreditation at the Folketing, (ChristiansborgCastle, Copenhagen)13:00 – 15:00/ 15:30Media Briefing with Key GLOBE Legislators to include buffetRoom at the Folketing to lunchbe confirmed on arrivalBriefing from the following Legislators (TBC)Rt. Hon Stephen Byers MP - President GLOBE(UK),Rt. Honfor registrationGraham Stuart MP - Vice President GLOBE International(UK),Congressman Antonio Palocci - Former Minister for Finance(Brazil),Mr Steen Gade MP - Chair of Folketing Committee onClimate Change(Denmark),Kato Shuichi MP(Japan),MrMlungisi Johnson MP- Chair of Portfolio Committee onAgriculture, Foresty and Fisheries(South Africa),MarkWarawa MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister ofEnvironment,(Canada) + Legislator from Mexico (TBC)15:00 – 17:00Navy boat trip on reduction of NOX emissions (selected mediaand legislators) Please notify Emily Marlow +44 7976 734028 ifyou are interested – places are very limited. (see NOXreduction briefing sheet)Tour of Media Facilities at the Folketing for use during ForumWelcome Drinks at Forum Hotel (Kong Arthur Hotel) forLegislators / Media(Kong ArthurNoerre Soegade 11 Dk-1370CopenhagenK Denmark 45-33)
15:30 – 16:0019:00