Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 51
GLOBE Copenhagen Legislators Forum24th– 25thOctober 2009 (21’th-version)In partnership with:
Draft outline agenda and outputsForum Aim:i)To deliver cross-party support from the parliaments of the majoreconomies of the G8 & European Parliament, Australia, Brazil,China, India, Indonesia, Mexico South Africa and South Korea for anambitious post-2012 climate change agreement.To agree that legislators can drive the move to a low carboneconomy, irrespective of the outcome in Copenhagen.To agree a set of ‘legislative principles’ to guide domestic climatechange legislation.
The Old Second Chamber, Folketing, Copenhagen, Denmark
Participation:120 legislators from the top 16 major economies parliaments(Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Parliament, France, Germany,India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, S.Korea, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, UnitedKingdom, United States of America and our hosts from Denmark)Outputs:i)Consensus agreement on US Congressman Ed Markey’sreport of the International Commission on Climate and EnergySecurityAgreement on a set of legislative principles to be supported byparticipants within their respective parliaments across the majoreconomies.
Visit GLOBE’s Copenhagen Legislators Portal Portal provides legislators with:Registration information and details for GLOBE’s 24th& 25thOctober CopenhagenLegislators ForumLegislators registration information for the UNFCCC Copenhagen COPRegistration information and details about GLOBE’s UNFCCC COP Legislators EventLatest Briefings on the progress of the UNFCCC COP negotiationsSpecialist briefings on domestic climate legislationSpecialist subject briefings on aviation, coral reefs, CCS, forestry, nuclearAccess to the GLOBE COP Blog (once the UNFCCC Copenhagen negotiations begin)
Draft Agenda
Friday 23rdOctober 20091900Welcome Drinks Reception at Forum Hotel
Saturday 24thOctober 2009
Opening High-level SessionWelcome to CopenhagenSteen Gade MPPresident of GLOBE Denmark & Chairman of the Environment and RegionalPlanning Committee, Danish Parliament
Opening Keynote Address & Dialogue with Legislators:What will political success look like at Copenhagen & the role parliamentscan play in advancing legislationRt Hon Stephen Byers MPPresidentThe Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE)Lars Løkke Rasmussen MPPrime Minister of DenmarkSpeaker Nancy Pelosi(by video address)Speaker of the US House of RepresentativesTo be introduced byUS Congressman Ed MarkeyChairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence & GlobalWarming & Co-Sponsor of the Waxman-Markey BillSpeaker Max SisuluSpeaker of the South African National AssemblyChairman Wang GuangtaoChairman Standing Committee on Environment & Resources ProtectionNational People’s Congress of ChinaMinister Connie HedegaardMinister for Climate and Energy, DenmarkChair of UNFCCC COP15
Keynote speeches to be followed by facilitated dialogue with legislators1100-1115Coffee
High Level Session Continued – Dialogue with legislators on the Role ofParliaments in advancing climate legislationWhat principals should underpin a common legislative platform on climatelegislation?Congressman Wang GuangtaoChairman, National People’s Congress Standing Committee on Environment& Resources ProtectionCongressman Ed MarkeyChairman of the Select Committee on Energy Independence & GlobalWarming & Co-Sponsor of the Waxman-Markey Bill
LunchSession 1: (Speakers will each deliver a 15 minute address – thereafter afacilitated dialogue with legislators will be taken)From London to Pittsburgh to Copenhagen:Can a Copenhagen Agreement
Reinforce Economic Recovery?Analysis of recovery packages: what’s worked, what hasn’t, how to embedgreen recovery?Dr Sam FankhauserChief Economist, GLOBE International, Principal Research Fellow at theGrantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, LSEMr Graeme WheelerManaging Director of the World BankCongressman Antonio PalocciFormer Brazilian Cabinet Minister for FinanceMs. Angela CropperUN Assistant Secretary General and UNEP Deputy Executive Director1615-1630Coffee
Session 2: Recommendations on ForestryReport of the International Commission on Land Use Change & Ecosystemson Forestry & Coral ReefsSession ChairsHon Barry Gardiner MPParliamentary Private Secretary to the Cabinet Minister for Trade & IndustryCo-chair, International Commission on Land Use Change and EcosystemsSenator Renato CasagrandeLeader of President Lula’s Party in the Brazilian SenateCo-chair, International Commission on Land Use Change and EcosystemsPresentation of the International Commission’s Policy Proposals onForestryMr. Ian JohnsonChairman, International Commission on Land Use Change and EcosystemsResponse to the Commission’s Policy Proposals & discussion
Forum ClosesReception and Formal DinnerHosted by the Danish Folketing
Sunday 25thOctober 2009
Second High Level Session(Speakers will each deliver a 15 minuteaddress – thereafter a facilitated dialogue with legislators will be taken)The Security Implications of Climate Change: What Action Do ParliamentsNeed to Take?Keynote Speakers:Rear Admiral Nils WangRear Admiral of the Danish FleetAir Marshal AK SinghIndian Air force & Chairman of the Military Council on Climate Change
CoffeeSession 3: Impact of Climate Change on Coral ReefsThis session will comprise the latest scientific update from the world’sleading marine scientists and advisors to the Commission on the impact ofclimate change on the world’s coral reefs.
LunchSession 4: Perspective From the Danish ParliamentIs there a common platform amongst Danish parties ahead of the UNFCCCCOP?Senior legislators from the following parties will address the Forum: Venstre,Conservatives, Social Democrats, SF, Radikale Venstre, Dansk Folkeparti
Session 5: Renewable EnergyThis session will address the issue of renewable energy which has not beendiscussed by the Forum to date and will refer specifically to the proposalscontained in the International Commission on Climate & Energy SecurityRenewables: What regulatory instruments are needed to spur the growth ofrenewable energy?Chaired by Anne Grete Holmsgaard MP
Session 6: National Carbon Reduction Strategies:This session will examine the role of National Carbon reduction strategieswhich are being considered as part of a future framework. A case study willbe presented based on the latest analysis of Mexico undertaken by the WorldBank and the government of Mexico.Mr Todd JohnsonLead Energy SpecialistLatin America and the Caribbean Region World Bank
Session 7: Closing Session:Commission Report on Climate and Energy Security and PoliticalStatement to COP15Presentation of Commission Report and High Level Statement to COP15 &Discussion about follow up: actions for legislators between now and COP15and beyondCongressman Ed MarkeyChairman GLOBE International Commission on Climate & Energy Security&Chairman of the US House of Representatives' Select Committee on EnergyIndependence and Global Warming and Co-sponsor of the Waxman-MarkeyBill
Forum ClosesGLOBE International 20thAnniversary Dinner