Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 301
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Folketingets Miljø- og PlanlægningsudvalgChristiansborg1240 København K BLS-306-00050
2 SJAM. 2010
Til udvalgets orientering fremsendes hermed Danmarks 4. landerapport til Biodiversitetskonventio-nen. Rapporten er oversendt til Biodiversitetskonventionens sekretariat den 25. januar 2010.
Miljøministeriet"Højbro Plads 4'1 SOOKøbenhavn KTlf. 72 54 60 00«Fax33 32 22 27'CVR 12854358-EAN [email protected]
Fourth Country Report t o CBD, D e n m a r k , Januar 2 0 1 0CONTENTSExecutive summaryChapterl: Overview of Biodiversity Status, Trends and ThreatsIntroductionThe agricultural landscapeKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusOpen habitatsKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusObjectivesForestsKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusObjectivesLakes and watercoursesKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusObjectivesCoastal ecosystemKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusMarine ecosystem and Life on the seabedKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusObjectivesThreatened speciesKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusObjectivesAtmospheric deposition of nitrogenKey issuesFactors affecting statusCurrent statusObjectivesCase study: Invasive speciesKey issuesWhat are invasive species?From giant hogweed to mink and the lobed comb JdlyRecording of invasive species
Action plan to halt the progress of invasive species
Chapter 2: Current status of national biodiversity strategies and action plansOverview of national biodiversity strategies and action plansNational Strategy for Sustainable Development (2009)Action Plan for Biodiversity and Nature Conservation in Denmark 2004-2009Govemmental Account to the Danish Parliament on the Nature Policy in Denmark (2006)Agreement on Green Growth (2009)National Forest ProgrammeAction plan for Close-to-Nature Forestry in Danish State Forests (2005)National Strategy on Native Forests 1992-2040International targets incorporated into NBSAPsArea based management and regulationHabitats and ecosystem protection in generalAreas protected under the Nature Conservation AetAreas protected under the Hunting and Wildlife Management AetNatura 2000 management plans (2009-2015)Ramsar site designationsRiver Basin Management PlansNational park designations (2007)Nature restoration projectsSpecies managementGeneral species protectionManagement of species under the EU habitats directiveSingle species management plansManagement ofthe butterfly, Euphydryas auriniaManagement ofthe butterfly, Maculinea arionAlien Invasive species managementReintroductionsGenetic resources managementNatura 2000 plansGenetic diversity of forest treesFAO and Genetic resources (2001)National strategy on gene resources in farm animals and piants (2003)
414141^ ^ _ ^ _ 4242424646474849495050515151515253535455555556515757575757
Chapter 3: Sectoral and cross-sectoral integration or mainstreaming of biodiversityconsiderations60Legal and institutional frameworkSpatial PlanningMunicipal cooperationAgriculture, forestry, fishery and aquaculture policiesExtraction of raw materialsInfrastructural developmentFinancing and expenditureFiscai policyEducationInternational co-operation60616162646566686869
Chapter IV- Conclusions: Progress towards the 2010 Target and Implementation ofthe Strategic Plan78
REPORTING PARTYContracting PartyDenmarkN a t i onaFull name of the institutionName and title of contact officerMinistry of EnvironmentMartin SchneeklothThe Agency for Spatial and EnvironmentalPlanning,Nature Division, Haraldsgade53, DK 2100,Copenhagen, Denmark+45-72544857
Mailing address
Signature of officer responsiblefor submitting national report
The Agency for Spatial and EnvironmentalPlanning,Nature Division, Haraldsgade53, DK 2100,Copenhagen,DenmarkMr. Martin Schneekloth25. january2010
Date of submission