Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10, Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 277, IPU Alm.del Bilag 8
PARLIAMENTARY MEETING ON THE OCCASION OF THEUNITED NATIONS CLIMATE CHANGE CONFERENCECopenhagen, 16 December 2009Organized jointly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Danish Folketing
Closing remarks by Mr. Steen Gade, MPChairman of the Environment and Regional Planning Committee, Danish ParliamentIt has indeed been a fruitful meeting and I realized that there has been a great deal of good will,eagerness and willingness among the parliamentarians participating in this meeting to combat climatechange.My remarks will focus on four subjects concerning climate change: problems, global actions, nationalactions and the role of parliaments.First, regarding the problems, I noted that the scientific facts concerning climate change were broadlyaccepted. There was no discussion about the validity of the scientific facts. Furthermore, today’sdiscussion clearly illustrates that climate change is a complex subject. Many issues were linked to climatechange, including poverty, access to food, security, development, pollution and living conditions for thepoor. The consequences of a rise in global temperatures were also debated. Several participantsmentioned that the goal of limiting a global temperature rise to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius wasinadequate and that we needed to lower the rise to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius.Second, it was stressed that in order to deal with global climate change, we need to devise and employglobal solutions. The participants also sent a strong message about the importance of adopting anambitious, fair and legal binding agreement at the COP15 meeting. I also noted that several other globalissues concerning climate change were highlighted, such as the establishment of climate funds,deforestation, technology and financing.Third, during the debate the need for global and national actions to combat climate change wasunderscored. Parliamentarians around the world play a key role in putting climate change legislationinto practice. It was also reaffirmed that good governance is absolutely necessary. I further noted theimportance of a strong linkage between disaster-reduction plans and adaptation.Fourth, participants expressed the view that the unique roles of parliaments around the world continueto be essential after the end of the COP15. This is especially important since many stressed theimportance of following up decisions, success stories and sharing experiences after COP15.Furthermore, it was emphasized that the role of the Inter-Parliamentary Union ought to be strengthenedin the future. The IPU could continue to focus on climate change issues and cooperate with otherorganizations such as GLOBE International. Lastly, there was a broad consensus for the IPU to continueaddressing the United Nations in order to underscore the key role of parliamentarians in the ongoingclimate change negotiations.Thank you.