Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 153

Dear Sir, Dear Madam,The Club of Madrid, GLOBE Europe, Respect and the City of Malmöare pleased toinvite youto the third ‘Road to Copenhagen’ conference8-9 December 2009 in Malmö, Sweden(20 min bytrain across the bridge fromCopenhagen).Against the backdrop of a UN negotiating process stricken by inertiait is clear that world leadersmust be mobilized to assume their responsibility. Time is running short and Copenhagen must deliveron the human dimension of climate change.Gro Harlem Brundtland, Mary Robinson and Margot Wallström chair the Road toCopenhagen climate initiative.It is a network of people – drawing from civil society organisations,business, academics and politicians - who want to see the conclusion of an ambitious and fairagreement in Copenhagen.During a two-day conferencewe will work together with ourchairsanddistinguishedparticipants,such asKofi Annan, Tariq Banuri, Martin Frick, Thomas Heller, JacquelineMcGladeandEd Barbier.Jointly we will explore the drivers for concluding a new agreement basedon climate justice. We will in particular address the possible provisions onhuman rights,technological diffusionandfinancial mechanismsthat should be included in the framework inorder to ensure fair burden sharing.The first day will end with a dinnerand a special performance byBarbara Hendricks,UNHCRGoodwill Ambassador and a great champion for refugees, gender equality and fighting climate changein Africa (TBC).The second daywill focus on the diffusion of existing technologies that pave the way for loweremissions of greenhouse gases. It will be supported by the exhibition “Cooperation for Change”.The conference will conclude by finalizing a Communiqué that we - together with our chairs -will deliver(across the bridge from Malmö to Copenhagen)directly to the UNFCCC Secretariat.Please find attached the preliminary programme of the event.Finally, you are on our wish list of conference participantsand we would be honored if you wouldaccept our invitation. We recognize the value ofyour expertise for the input to the work processand would therefore appreciate if you commit to staying throughout the event.Make your voice heard, come and join us in Malmö, and share your ideas via theforum NOW!Hotel booking is possible via the registration website. Theprogrammeof theconference is also available on the following registration link.(or go to,and enter the following event name: investskane7dec, andpassword: investskane7dec).We look forward to welcoming you in Malmö!
GLOBE Europe131, rue de Stassart1050 BrusselsBelgiumPhone: +32 2 230 65 89Fax: +32 2 502 62 30Email:[email protected]