Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 143
Stavros DimasMember of the European Commission, responsible for environment

EU Nature Policy – Challenges in a

changing world

Launch of BirdLife International "A climatic Atlas of EuropeanBreeding Birds" - Berlaymont Building, BrusselsThursday, 14 February 2008
Ladies and gentlemen,2007 has been a remarkable year with environmental issues rising to the top of theEU's political agenda. Climate has grabbed the headlines but the loss of biodiversityis a global threat that is just as serious and needs to be faced with the sameurgency. In one crucial way it is more worrying since there is no way to reverseextinction.This evening I would like to look at three of the key challenges facing EU naturepolicy.The first is the need for the conservation of biodiversity to move to the top of thepolitical agenda. A recent poll for the Commission on public attitudes to biodiversityconfirmed that people care passionately about this issue with 88% of the Europeansrecognising that the loss of biodiversity is a serious problem. As the global rate ofextinction is at least 100 times the natural level, these concerns are very wellgrounded.Given the strength of public support and the scientific reality it is surprising thatprotecting biodiversity is not higher on the political agenda. This situation needs tochange because one of the lessons from climate change is that the realbreakthroughs come when the issue moves onto the agenda of Prime Ministers andPresidents.A second message is that our existing policy works – but needs to work better.The NATURA 2000 network of protected areas covers almost 20% of the EUterritory and is the cornerstone of our policy to protect Europe’s biodiversity. It sets amodel for nature protection – science-driven, legally enforceable and based uponecosystems as the basic unit. In August last year an analysis in the eminent journalSCIENCE by BirdLife International experts confirmed that the Birds Directive hasmade a significant and measurable difference in reversing the decline of our mostthreatened bird species. Natura 2000 was central to this success.But it is also a very flexible system and I would like to correct one of the commonmisconceptions about NATURA 2000 – which is that once a site is designated alleconomic activities have to stop. This is simply not true and it is unfortunate that thismyth continues. The NATURA network consists of living landscapes in whichfarming, fishing, forestry and hunting can continue. Even major developmentprojects can be carried out once certain safeguards have been respected. Theexperience from most Member States is that it is perfectly possible to use theflexibility provided in the nature directives in an intelligent manner and find a goodbalance between biodiversity protection and economic needs.Thirdly, we need to step up our implementation efforts to meet the EU’s 2010 targetof halting the loss of biodiversity in Europe and to start preparing for a trulysustainable future.One of the key emerging challenges highlighted in the EU Biodiversity Action Plan isto minimise the impacts from climate change on biodiversity. The new BirdLifepublication on the 'Climatic Atlas of European Breeding Birds' is an importantlandmark in our understanding of how climate change is likely to impact onEuropean nature. It predicts large-scale changes in the distribution of our birdlife,with an overall loss of suitable space for many different species.To minimise the disruption of nature we need to urgently build on existing initiativesto reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The 16thFebruary is the third anniversary ofthe entry into effect of the Kyoto Protocol. A lot is being achieved under Kyoto butwe need to push forward to achieve even more ambitious targets as soon aspossible.
Healthy ecosystems are essential in any strategy for climate change adaptation.Natura 2000 will be a central element to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Onecan say that conservation of biodiversity is our life insurance for the future. Thecurrent threats of habitat loss and fragmentation and pollution need to beaddressed. There is not enough appreciation of the essential goods and servicesprovided by ecosystems or of the economic consequences of failing to protect thesevital natural assets. We have started to address this concern and it needs tobecome more central to our policies.And it should go without saying that our climate mitigation policies should not comeat the expense of biodiversity. We have very important targets to achieve forrenewable energies but we need to be very careful about how and where they aredeveloped. We need to make sure that when promoting biofuels we are notencouraging the destruction of habitats. Being strategic in our planning and gettingthis balance right will be key challenges of the coming years.To conclude, I would simply like to congratulate Birdlife for taking the initiative tohold this event. I can think of no greater challenge than protecting Europe’s naturefor future generations. And by letting a wider audience understand the issuesinvolved I am sure that it will come to be seen by businesses, by citizens and bypoliticians as one of the defining policy issues for the rest of this century.Thank you – and I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening.