Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2009-10
IPU Alm.del Bilag 5
INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION122ndAssembly and related meetingsBangkok (Thailand), 27thMarch - 1stApril 2010
A/122/C.127 November 2009
OF THE 122ndASSEMBLY OF THE INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNIONMadam President,Mr. President,The 122ndAssembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union will be held in Bangkok (Thailand)from Saturday, 27 March to Thursday, 1stApril 2010. The Assembly will be held under the generaltheme ofParliament at the heart of political reconciliation and good governance.The Assemblyand its related meetings will take place in the Centara Bangkok Convention Centre (CBCC) inBangkok.
IMPORTANTWe would like to draw your attention to the new calendar approved by the GoverningBodies of the IPU whereby the first Assembly of the year will now start on a Saturday and have itsclosing session on Thursday. of the President and Vice-Presidents of the 122ndAssemblyConsideration of possible requests for the inclusion of an emergency item in the AssemblyagendaGeneral debate on the political, economic and social situation in the world with the overalltheme ofParliament at the heart of political reconciliation and good governanceCooperation and shared responsibility in the global fight against organized crime, inparticular drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, human trafficking and cross-border terrorism(Standing Committee on Peace and International Security)The role of parliaments in developing South-South and Triangular Cooperation with a viewto accelerating achievement of the Millennium Development Goals(Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade)Youth participation in the democratic process(Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights)Approval of the subject items for the 124thAssembly and appointment of the Rapporteurs
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
The timetable of the Assembly and related meetings is set out in Annex I. Delegates will be able toaddress the topic of a possible emergency item in the General debate; whereas the three subjectitems (items 4, 5 and 6) will be debated by the respective Standing Committees.The closing sitting of the 122ndAssembly will take place on Thursday, 1stApril, from4 p.m. to6 p.m.During this sitting, the reports of the Standing Committees will be presented by therapporteurs and the draft resolutions submitted for adoption. Delegations are kindly requested tobear this in mind when making their travel arrangements.
According to Assembly Rule 11 and Article 14.2 of the Statutes, any Member of the Union mayrequest the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda, which should be accompaniedby a brief explanatory memorandum and a draft resolution. If the Assembly decides to include anemergency item in its agenda, provision has been made for an eventual meeting of a draftingcommittee to prepare a draft resolution.4.PANEL DISCUSSIONS
On Tuesday, 30 March, from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. a panel discussion onThe role ofParliament in fulfilling the Convention of the Rights of the Childwill take place. The panel willmark the twentieth anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)whichis themost comprehensive legal instrument for the protection of the rights of children. It will discuss theimpact the Convention has made to the lives of children and the critical role parliaments and theirmembers can play through their law-making, budgeting, enforcement, and representative roles toensure the Convention’s full implementation.In the afternoon of that same day, from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., a panel discussion onWater:Preserving our oceanswill take place. The panel will examine the state of the world's oceans.Can parliaments take action to redress pollution, over-fishing, piracy and degradation of the marineenvironment?The format and conduct of the panel discussions will be largely informal, with focus on debate andinteraction. They will be moderated by two or more experts. There will be no negotiations as suchand, therefore, all prepared speeches setting out formal positions are discouraged.5.OTHER EVENTS
There will also be various segments during the general debate devoted to other important issuessuch as theFollow-up session on Maternal Health and Child Survival.An hour and a half will bededicated to discussing initiatives taken by members of parliament during the year to follow up oncommitments made at the 118thAssembly in Cape Town on maternal health (MDG5) and childsurvival (MDG4). Special attention will be paid to the question of securing sufficient financing toachieve MDGs 4 and 5.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
Each IPU Member may appoint a maximum of eight delegates to the first annual session of theAssembly, or ten for parliaments of countries with a population of one hundred million inhabitantsor more. Any delegation that, for three consecutive sessions of the Assembly, is composedexclusively of parliamentarians of the same sex shall, however, automatically be reduced by oneperson.Please note that the number of additional MPs accompanying delegations as Advisers must notexceed two.IPU Members whose arrears equal or exceed the amount of the contributions due from them forthe preceding two full years may not be represented by more than two delegates at meetings of theUnion (Article 5.2 of the Statutes).Associate Members may participate in the Assembly and its Standing Committees with the samerights as Members, with the exception of the right to vote and to present candidates for electiveoffice.International organizations and other bodies invited by the Governing Council to be represented atthe Assembly as observers are entitled to send a maximum of two delegates.
Assembly Rule 9 states that the Steering Committee of the Assembly shall be composed of thePresident of the Assembly, the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Vice-President ofthe Executive Committee. The Presidents of the Standing Committees may take part in its work inan advisory capacity.The Steering Committee, assisted by the IPU Secretary General, is mandated to take all appropriatemeasures to ensure the effective organisation and normal functioning of the Assembly proceedings.
In accordance with Assembly Rule 15.3 the subject items placed on the Assembly agenda by theStanding Committees (items 4, 5 and 6) will be debated by the following Committees:Item 4:Item 5:Item 6:First Standing Committee on Peace and International SecuritySecond Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and TradeThird Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights.
The Standing Committees, which will be convened separately, will meet during the 122ndAssembly(see General Timetable in Annex I). They will be required to debate the report(s) prepared by theco-Rapporteurs and adopt a draft resolution on the subject item within their purview. To assistthem in this task, Standing Committees may set up drafting committees (Standing CommitteesRule 15).
The 120thAssembly in Addis Ababa appointed the Rapporteurs for each Standing Committee.These co-Rapporteurs have been entrusted with preparing a report or reports and a draft resolutionon the item placed on their Committee’s agenda. Members may contribute to the content of thesedocuments by submitting comments, suggestions and amendments.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
The relevant provisions of the Rules are as follows:Assembly – Rule 17"1.Any delegate may submit amendments relating to the draft resolutions preparedby the rapporteurs on the subject item included in the agenda approved by theAssembly. They shall be deposited with the Secretariat of the Assembly no later than15 days before the opening of the Assembly. However, the Meeting of WomenParliamentarians shall be permitted to submit amendments incorporating a genderperspective at any time prior to the closure of the first sitting of the respective StandingCommittee. This Rule shall apply to the Coordinating Committee of WomenParliamentarians at the second Assembly of the year (cf. Standing Committees,Rule 12.2).2.Sub-amendments relating to these draft resolutions may be submitted until theStanding Committee adopts the draft resolution intended for the Assembly.”Standing Committees – Rule 12“1. … Members of the Union may contribute to such reports by submitting theirsuggestions and comments to the rapporteurs. The arrangements for the submission ofsuch suggestions and comments shall be indicated in the convocation of the Assembly.The final report shall remain the responsibility of its authors (cf. Assembly Rule 13).2.The rapporteurs shall also prepare a draft resolution on the subject to be debatedin their Committee, which the Secretariat of the IPU shall send to the Members inadvance of the session. Members may propose amendments to the draft resolution nolater than 15 days before the opening of the Assembly. However, the Meeting ofWomen Parliamentarians shall be permitted to submit amendments which incorporatea gender perspective to the draft resolutions at any time prior to the closure of the firstsitting of the respective Standing Committee. This Rule shall apply to the CoordinatingCommittee of Women Parliamentarians at the second Assembly of the year. TheCommittee will finalise the draft resolution and submit it to the Assembly for adoption(cf. Assembly Rule 17.1).”Members are requested to take note of the following timetable for the circulation of theco-Rapporteurs’ reports and draft resolutions, as well as the deadlines for the submission ofamendments to the draft resolutions:Date18 December 20091 February 201015 February 201012 March 2010ActionIPU Secretariat will circulate the reports and preliminary draftresolutions to all IPU Member Parliaments.Deadline for the submission of amendments to the preliminary draftresolutions.The IPU Secretariat will submit the revised preliminary draft resolutionsto all Members.Deadline for the submission of amendments to the revised preliminarydraft resolutions, in accordance with Rule 17.1 of the Rules of theAssembly.A consolidated list of all such amendments will be published after thisdeadline on the IPU website and also made available to the delegatesat the 122ndAssembly.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
Amendments to the draft resolutions should be submitted in one of the IPU official languages(English or French) and should clearly indicate:--which paragraph they address, or whether a new paragraph is being proposed, and if so,where it should be placed in the text; andwhich parts of the text are modifications, additions or deletions.
AmendmentsWhen the Assembly is called on to take a decision at its final plenary sitting on the draft resolutionsprepared by the Standing Committees, the only amendments in order - apart from those of a purelyeditorial nature - shall be those incorporating the content of earlier proposals submitted within thestatutory time-limits but not accepted by the relevant Standing Committee (cf. Assembly Rule 17.4).
GENERAL DEBATE (Item 3 of the agenda)
As indicated in the agenda, the overall theme of the General debate on the political, economic andsocial situation in the world during the 122ndAssembly will beParliament at the heart of Politicalreconciliation and good governance.Speaking time for the General DebateThe provisions of the Assembly Rules with regard to speaking time in the General Debate are asfollows:•Delegations of Members and Associate MembersRule 22"1.No more than two representatives of each delegation may speak in the GeneralDebate. For this debate, every delegation shall be entitled to 8 minutes'speaking time unless the Steering Committee decides otherwise. When twospeakers from the same delegation are registered for this debate, they shall sharethe speaking time in the most appropriate way.2.3.With a view to ensuring the normal running of the debates, the SteeringCommittee may alter the above speaking time to suit the circumstances.Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, the President may, at theend of the corresponding sitting, give the floor briefly to a delegation wishing toexercise its right of reply."
Delegations of Observers
By decision of the IPU Governing Council, the speaking time of observers will be limited to fiveminutes. Flexibility will be shown in the case of executive heads of organisations of the UnitedNations system who wish to address the IPU.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
Registration of speakers for the General DebateThe procedure for registering speakers is as follows:•Place and time-Registration will take place on the Assembly premises at the speakers' registration desk.This desk will be opened 24 hours before the beginning of the first plenary of theAssembly, as of 10.15 a.m. on Saturday, 27 March 2010.Unless changes are announced during the Assembly, the registration service is openfrom 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. on Sunday, 28 March 2010.
A service is available which allows for the pre-registration of speakers for the General Debate on thepolitical, economic and social situation in the world (Item 3 of the agenda). This service enablesdelegations to have the name(s) of their speaker(s) included in the list, without having to register onthe spot. Members may send the names of their speaker(s) in advance to the IPU Secretariat by e-mail or fax, using the attached "Speakers pre-registration form".Pre-registration will be considered valid once the final order of speakers has been determined bythe traditional public drawing of lots at 6 p.m. on Saturday, 27 March 2010 (cf. Art. 23.2 of theRules of the Assembly).The following steps should be followed for the pre-registration of speakers:1.2.3.The list of delegates should have already been received by the IPU Secretariat and theOrganizing Committee of the host Parliament.The speaker’s pre-registration form should be duly completed, dated and signed by eitherthe Speaker of Parliament, President of the Group or Leader of the delegation.The form should be returned to the IPU Secretariat by fax or e-mail no later than 6 p.m.(Swiss time) on Friday, 19 March 2010. After that date, all registrations must be made on thespot at the Assembly venue, as of 10.15 a.m., on Saturday, 27 March 2010.Any delegations wishing to change the pre-registered speaker or speakers should inform theIPU Secretariat before the drawing of lots on Saturday, 27 March at 6 p.m.Delegations wishing to register on the spot may continue to do so.•Delegations of Members and Associate Members
The Secretariat will record the names of delegates who wish to take the floor, distinguishingbetween first and second speakers from delegations of Members and Associate Members.Registration may be made in person or through another member of the delegation.•Delegations of observers--Observers will be entitled to register one speaker only in plenary debates of the IPUstatutory Assembly and its Standing Committees.Each programme and organ of the United Nations will be allowed to register onespeaker.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
List of speakers-At 6 p.m. on Saturday, 27 March, the Secretariat will determine the final order ofspeakers by a public drawing of lots. The list will be made public as soon as possibleafter the drawing of lots so that delegates have sufficient advance notice of when theywill be called to address the Assembly.Speakers registering after the drawing of lots will be added to the list (in theirrespective categories) in the order in which they have registered, until the Assemblycloses the list of speakers. A revised list containing those additions will be issuedthereafter.Delegates may exchange their place on the list with other speakers. In order to avoidany confusion during the meeting, they are kindly requested to give advance notice ofany such changes to the Secretary of the Assembly, Mr. Marcelo Bustos.
According to Rule 7.3 of the Assembly Rules, each delegation is entitled to designate one of itsmembers as Vice-President. Some of them will be called upon to replace the President of theAssembly during a sitting or part of a sitting.Delegations are requested to include the name of the person from their delegation who has beendesignated as a Vice-President of the Assembly when returning the registration form and, in anycase, upon arrival at the IPU Registration Service.
A provisional table showing the votes allocated to delegations at the 122ndAssembly is contained inAnnex II.Members are requested to check their respective allocations and to inform the IPU Secretariat inwriting of any necessary modifications, preferably in advance. The final table for the allocation ofvotes at the Assembly will be distributed at the opening of the session.
The IPU Secretariat will provide simultaneous interpretation for the two official languages of theUnion, English and French, as well as Arabic and Spanish, at the meetings of all statutory bodies.Three other interpretation channels have been reserved for the Chinese, Japanese and Russianlanguages at sittings of the Assembly, Governing Council, and Standing Committees.Delegates may, exceptionally, use another language provided that they arrange for their speech tobe interpreted into one or other of the IPU’s official languages, and that copies of the speech begiven to the Chief Interpreter (Mrs. F. Steinig-Huang) and no later than two hours before it is to bedelivered.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
The following bodies will also meet during the Assembly:•••••••••Governing Council (28 March and 1stApril,public sittings);Executive Committee (25, 26 and 31 March,in camera);Meeting of Women Parliamentarians (27 March,public sitting);Coordinating Committee of the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians (27 and31 March, and 1stApril,in camera);Gender Partnership Group (26 and 31 March,in camera);Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians (27 to 31 March,in camera);Committee on Middle East Questions (27 and 31 March,in camera);Committee to promote respect for International Humanitarian Law (30 March,incamera);Group of Facilitators for Cyprus (29 March,in camera).
The Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP) will also meet at the time of theAssembly. It will be convened by its President.
Further information concerning the session will be provided in the Assembly Guidebook and in the"Additional information concerning the organization of the Assembly" document (distributed todelegations on registering).JournalEvery day during the Assembly, participants will find in all meeting rooms and at the Registrationand Information desk the "Journal" giving the latest updates on the programme of meetings andother important information designed to facilitate their participation in the proceedings of thesession.
All delegations will receive two printed copies of theResultsof the 122ndAssembly. In addition, thedocument is accessible on the IPU Web site (http://www.ipu.org) two weeks after the Assemblywhen a complete electronic version of the "Results" can be downloaded from the IPU site in PDFFormat.
The General Information document, sent together with the invitation by the Parliament of Thailand,contains details concerning delegates' stay in Bangkok, procedures for obtaining visas and theprogramme of receptions.
Delegations are requested to note the following deadlines for the registration of delegates and forhotel reservations.
Inter-Parliamentary Union
122ndAssembly - Convocation
Registration of delegatesIt would be appreciated if all participants could adhere strictly to the registration deadline of25 January 2010. Please return the registration form for delegations annexed to the invitation toboth the Thai Organizing Committee and the IPU Secretariat by that date. The addresses are asfollows:Secretariat of the Host Parliament of the122ndIPU AssemblyNational Assembly of the Kingdom of ThailandSecretariat of the House of RepresentativesU-Thong Nai Road, Dusit, Bangkok 10300,ThailandInter-Parliamentary Union5, chemin du PommierP.O. Box 3301218 Grand-SaconnexGenevaSwitzerlandTelephone : ++66 2357 3100 ext. 3152-63,3174, 3248-49, 3296-99Fax:++66 2357 3154, +66 2357 3197e-mail:[email protected]Website:http://122ndipubkk.parliament.go.th
Telephone: + 41 22 919 41 50Fax:+ 41 22 919 41 60E-mail:[email protected]Web site:www.ipu.org
Hotel reservations and visasThe hotel reservation forms annexed to the invitation from the Parliament of Thailand, which willhandle all hotel reservations, must be returned to the above address by 25 January 2010.The Parliament of Thailand has sole responsibility for all matters relating to delegations'accommodation, visas and travel. It is therefore important that any communication concerningthese matters be sent directly to the host Parliament (see address above), and not to the IPUSecretariat.
We look forward to your Parliament's contribution to the debates that will take place at the122 Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and remain,nd
Yours sincerely,
Anders B. JOHNSSONSecretary Generalof the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Theo-Ben GURIRABPresidentof the Inter-Parliamentary Union
A/122/C.1ANNEX I
DateThursday, 25 March 2010MORNING
Plenary Hall
Committees Room
In camerasittings10.00 - 13.00Executive CommitteeLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
Other events
15.00 - 18.00Executive CommitteeLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
Friday, 26 March 2010
10.00 - 13.00Executive CommitteeLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
15.00 - 17.00Executive CommitteeLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)17.00 - 18.00Gender Partnership GroupLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
A/122/C.1ANNEX I
Plenary Hall
Committees Room
In camera sittings08.00 - 09.15Coordinating Committee of WomenParliamentariansLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)10.00 - 13.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansLotus 11 (level 22)
Other events
09.30 - 13.00Meeting of Women ParliamentariansLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
Saturday, 27 March 2010
14.30 - 18.30Meeting of Women ParliamentariansLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)AFTERNOON
15.00 - 18.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansLotus 11 (level 22)15.00 – 18.00Committee on Middle East QuestionsLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
14.00 - 15.00Meeting of the Network ofSecretaries and Advisers todelegationsLotus 1 & 2 (level 22)
19.30 - 20.30* * * * * * Inaugural Ceremony of the 122 Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union * * * * * *Centara Bangkok Convention Centrend
Sunday, 28 March 2010
09.00 - 10.00Governing Council: election of the President of theAssembly, Questions relating to Members andReport on the activities of the Executive CommitteeBCC B2 (level 22)10.15 - 13.00Assembly: election of the President, followed byplenary debateBCC B2 (level 22)
09.00 - 13.00First Standing Committee (Peace andSecurity): presentation of the Report(s)of the rapporteurs and of the draftresolution; debate, and possibledesignation of a drafting committeeWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)
08.00 - 09.00Assembly Steering CommitteeBoardroom (level 23)
10.00 - 11.00ASGP Executive CommitteeSecretariat Room (level 22)11.00 - 13.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
A/122/C.1ANNEX I
DateSunday, 28 March 2010
Plenary Hall14.30 - 18.30Assembly: continuation of the plenary debateand at16.30consideration of requests for theinclusion of an emergency itemBCC B2 (level 22)
Committees Room14.00 - 15.00First Standing Committee (Peace andSecurity): continuation of the debate ordrafting committeeWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)15.30 - 18.30Third Standing Committee (Democracyand Human Rights): presentation of theReport(s) of the rapporteurs and of thedraft resolution; debateWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)
In camera sittings14.30 - 18.30Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansLotus 11 (level 22)15.30 - 18.30First Committee: start or continuationof drafting committeeLotus Suite 1 (level 22)
Other events15.00 - 18.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
09.00 - 13.00Assembly: continuation of the plenary debateBCC B2 (level 22)
09.00 - 11.00Third Standing Committee (Democracyand Human Rights): continuation of thedebate and possible designation of adrafting committeeWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)11.30 - 13.00Second Standing Committee(Sustainable Development, Financeand Trade): presentation of theReport(s) of the rapporteurs andof the draft resolution; debateWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)
09.00 - 13.00First Committee: continuation of draftingcommitteeLotus Suite 1 (level 22)09.30 - 13.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansLotus 11 (level 22)Group of Facilitators for CyprusLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
09.00 - 10.00ASGP Executive CommitteeSecretariat Room (level 22)10.00 - 13.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
Monday, 29 March 2010
14.30 - 18.30Assembly: continuation of the plenary debateBCC B2 (level 22)
14.30 - 18.00Second Standing Committee(Sustainable Development, Financeand Trade): presentation of theReport(s) of the rapporteurs andof the draft resolution; debateWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)
14.30 - 18.30Possible drafting committee on theemergency itemLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)Committee on the Human Rightsof ParliamentariansLotus 11 (level 22)
15.00 - 18.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
A/122/C.1ANNEX I
Plenary Hall
Committees Room09.30 - 12.30Panel discussion onThe Role ofParliaments in fulfilling the Conventionon the Rights of the ChildWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)
In camera sittings09.00 - 13.00Third Committee: start of draftingcommitteeLotus Suite 2 (level 22)09.30 - 13.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansLotus 11 (level 22)9.00 - 13.00Second Committee: start of draftingcommitteeVIP Holding Room (level 22)11.30 - 13.00Possible drafting committee on theemergency itemLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
Other events
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
14.30 - 17.00Panel discussion onWater: Preserving our oceansBCC B2 (level 2)
15.30 - 18.30First Standing Committee: adoptionof the report(s) and draft resolutionWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)
14.30 - 15.30Meeting of the Bureau of the FirstStanding CommitteeLotus Suite 1 (level 22)14.30 - 17.30Third Committee: continuation andend of drafting committeeLotus Suite 2 (level 22)14.30 - 18.30Second Committee: continuationand end of drafting committeeVIP Holding Room (level 22)International Humanitarian LawCommitteeLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)17.30 - 18.30Meeting of the Bureau of the ThirdStanding CommitteeLotus Suite 2 (level 22)
A/122/C.1ANNEX I
Plenary Hall09.00 - 13.00Assembly: continuation of the plenary debateBCC B2 (level 22)
Committees Room09.00 - 11.00Third Standing Committee: adoptionof the report(s) and draft resolutionWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)11.30 – 12.30Meeting of the Bureau of the SecondStanding CommitteeVIP Holding Room (level 22)
In camera sittings10.00 - 12.00Executive CommitteeLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)12.00 - 13.00Gender Partnership GroupLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
Other events09.00 - 10.00ASGP Executive CommitteeSecretariat Room (level 22)10.00 - 13.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
14.30 - 16.30Assembly: continuation and end of the plenarydebateBCC B2 (level 22)16.30 – 18.30Second Standing Committee: adoption of thereport(s) and draft resolutionBCC B2 (level 22)
14.00 - 15.00Meeting of Women ParliamentariansWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)16.00 – 16.30Meeting of Women ParliamentariansWorld Ballroom A & B (level 23)
14.00 - 17.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansLotus 11 (level 22)15.00 - 16.00Coordinating Committee of WomenParliamentariansLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)17.00 - 19.00Committee on Middle East QuestionsLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
15.00 - 18.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
Thursday, 1stApril 2010
10.00 - 13.00Governing Council (including the reports ofsome subsidiary bodies, such as theHuman Rights Committee)BCC B2 (level 22)
08.30 - 10.00Coordinating Committee of WomenParliamentariansLotus Suite 3 & 4 (level 22)
09.00 - 10.00ASGP Executive CommitteeSecretariat Room (level 22)10.00 - 13.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)15.00 - 18.00ASGP MeetingLotus 5 – 7 (level 22)
15.00 - 16.00Governing Council: continuationBCC B2 (level 22)16.00 - 18.00Assembly: closing session – reports of theCommittees, and adoption of the resolutionsand decisionsClosure of the 122ndAssembly of the Inter-Parliamentary UnionBCC B2 (level 22)
PROVISIONAL TABLE SHOWING THE ALLOCATION OF VOTES AT THE 122ndASSEMBLY(According to Article 15.2 of the Statutes)MEMBERS1. and HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiCambodiaCameroonCanadaCape-VerdeChileChinaColombiaComorosCongoCosta RicaCôte d'IvoireCroatiaCubaCyprusCzech RepublicDem. People's Rep. of KoreaDem. Republic of the CongoDenmarkDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEstoniaEthiopiaFinland
Totalnumberof votes1411151012151114121210201312121211112012131213131510132314101111131113101314171212131812111812
MEMBERS48. (Islamic Republic of)IraqIrelandIsraelItalyJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaKuwaitKyrgyzstanLao People's Dem. Rep.LatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMauritaniaMauritiusMexicoMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNepalNetherlandsNew ZealandNicaraguaNigeriaNorwayOman
Totalnumberof votes17111111191313121310232218141112172012131411111211111111111011101410121011112010111014131114131112201111
MEMBERS100. New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalQatarRepublic of KoreaRepublic of MoldovaRomaniaRussian FederationRwandaSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSierra LeoneSingaporeSlovakiaSloveniaSomaliaSouth AfricaSpainSri LankaSudanSurinameSwedenSwitzerlandSyrian Arab RepublicTajikistanThailandThe fYR of MacedoniaTimor-LesteTogoTunisiaTurkeyUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited Rep. of TanzaniaUruguayVenezuelaViet NamYemenZambiaZimbabwe
Totalnumberof votes2110111111121418151310161114201210101013121211111211131615131510121213121811101213181317111815111318131313
PARLIAMENT ORORGANIZATION_______________________________________________________FIRST OR SECONDSPEAKER(only applicable toIPU MemberParliaments)LANGUAGEPREFERENCE OFSUMMARY RECORD(English or French)
Name Mr./Mrs./Ms.
First Name(s)
DATE: ............................................................
SIGNATURE: ..............................................................