Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2009-10
IPU Alm.del Bilag 11

J.C. Lund’s speech at the 122nd IPU Assembly


My fellow parliamentarians.

It is an honour and a privilege to stand before you today,

speaking on such vital and important matters as the hope for

political reconciliation and good governance.

As a representative from Denmark – one of the smallest

countries in the world – I wonder: what can we, as

parliamentarians do against the lack of will for political

reconciliation and freedom and the staggering reports of

political oppression, injustice and inequality, which run like a

plague over large parts of the world.

My answer is that we can do a great deal. And we must do a

great deal. This strong belief has been deeply rooted in the

Danish foreign policy and development aid for decades.

Denmark has always been one of the world’s leaders on

development aid and support for strong democratic

governments. It is based on the idea that good governance,

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freedom and equality foster a strong civil society, reconciliation,

peace and prosperity.

In the face of political oppression or the hard work for

reconciliation, we must strengthen our democratic values. We

must secure every individual’s right to vote, to speak and to

live. We must cast away the idea that torture and death are the

right answers. It will not give us reconciliation, but will leave a

state crippled and despotic. We can not and we must not leave

our citizens imprisoned in refugee-camps inside or outside the

country, and we must secure that no country will. The right of

the individual person is the most important asset in the world.

Therefore Denmark is for freedom of speech everywhere. We're

for freedom to worship everywhere. We're for freedom to learn

for everybody. And so we are for freedom from tyranny,

everywhere, whether in the guise of political oppression or

economic slavery or religious fanaticism. In Denmark we will

always support every step towards reconciliation and oppose

any step of political oppression and violence. We have a

responsibility to protect our citizens and we must avoid any

form of state violence. In a world where wars are fought to

prevent terrorism, we must also be aware of violence committed

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by states. Either because of religious beliefs or political

opposition. We have to accept that this form of state terrorism

is as dangerous and troubling as any other form of violence

committed. And it is terror, when a state targets civilians living

in refugee-camps, it is terror, when you arrest and torture

demonstrators uttering their democratic voice of hope and

change, it is terror when you deprive your citizens of the basic

security in life. We must never fight any political or religious

opponents with violence. The ultimate weakness of violence is

that it is a descending spiral. Returning violence with violence

only multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night

already devoid of stars. We have a responsibility as

parliamentarians, as statesmen, as humans to protect any

citizen, whether they are political supporters or opponents,

domestically and abroad. We must never meet challenges with

violence and oppression. That is what defines good governance,

democratically and morally.

In Denmark we believe that hope is real. In a life of trials, in the

world of challenges, hope is real. In countries where families are

without basic security, where people live in refugee-camps

because of their democratic beliefs or religious beliefs, where

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some are without food, and some don't even have a home to

speak of, hope is real. In a time of global chaos and instability

where our faiths collide as often as our weapons, hope is real.

We live in cynical times, but hope is not up for discussion. Hope

is what gives us the courage to take on our greatest challenges,

to move forward together. We must as parliamentarians and as

international communities embrace these challenges together,

we must move towards good governance and political

reconciliation everywhere together and we must move forward

as a community together. Never doubt that a small group of

thoughtful and committed people can change the world.

Because this is the only thing that ever has changed anything.

There is such a thing as false science, there is such a thing as

false promises. But there is no such thing as false hope. There is

only hope.

Thank you for your attention.

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