Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2009-10
IPU Alm.del Bilag 1
PRACTICAL INFORMATIONDate and venue1.The Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Partiesof the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP15) will be held on Wednesday,16 December 2009, on the premises of the Danish Parliament (Folketing) in Copenhagen. The address ofthe Folketing is as follows:Folketinget, Christiansborg1240 København K.DenmarkTel.: +45 33 37 55 00Fax: +45 33 89 37 74E-mail: [email protected]2.The inaugural ceremony will be held from 10 to 10.30 a.m., and will be followed by two workingsessions. A luncheon reception for all participants will be offered at 1 p.m. at the parliamentary cafeteria.The closure of the Meeting is expected to take place at 6 p.m.Participation, registration, list of participants3.The Parliamentary Meeting is open to all members of parliament who are present in Copenhagen atthe time of COP15, are accredited to the intergovernmental Conference through their national delegationsor as observers, and have a valid COP15 identity badge. Only persons duly accredited to COP15 will beable to enter the Bella Centre where the intergovernmental Conference will be held. The same COP15badge will also allow entry to the premises of the Folketing.4.If, for one reason or another, a parliamentary delegate does not have a COP15 badge, a special one-day "Parliamentary Meeting" badge can be issued on the spot. This badge will be valid for the meeting atthe Folketing only and will not allow access to the Bella Centre. Delegates requiring a "ParliamentaryMeeting" badge should inform the IPU Secretariat by15 November 2009,using the enclosed registrationform, which is also available on the IPU website (http://www.ipu.org/splz-e/cop15/registration.pdf).5.The IPU and the Danish Folketing arenot in a position to facilitate accreditation to COP15andcannot provide Schengen visasupport for entry into Denmark. These matters should be dealt with byeach delegation individually, as part of the overall COP15 accreditation procedure.6.Due to the limited seating capacity of the meeting room at the Folketing, the number ofparliamentarians per delegation as a rule should not exceed two. Observer delegations should be alsolimited to two persons. Parliaments are encouraged to strive for gender balanced delegations.7.For identification and security reasons, all delegates are requested to wear their identification badgesat all times during the session and at social functions.8.A provisional list of participants will be distributed at the beginning of the Meeting. This list will beissued on the basis of confirmations received by the IPU Secretariat up to 5 December. Delegations arekindly requested to report any changes in the provisional list directly to the IPU. A revised list will bepublished on the IPU website after the session.
Practical Information NoteWorking modalities
9.A detailed work programme will be published on the IPU website in advance of the Meeting anddistributed to parliaments by other means.10. All agenda items will be dealt with in plenary. The programme will include an inaugural ceremonyand a series of interactive panels and keynote presentations, with the participation of leading internationalexperts and officials from the United Nations and beyond. The format of the Meeting being largelyinteractive, every effort ought to be made to avoid reading formal statements. Instead, the participants areinvited to ask questions and participate in the debate by making brief statements and suggestions. Noformal list of speakers will be drawn up in advance, with the order of interventions and questions to bedecided by the Chair.11. Due to the short duration of the Meeting and to other limiting factors, it is not envisaged to adopt aformal outcome document. As is customary for IPU meetings of this nature, however, the Chair willsummarize the debate in his concluding remarks, to be presented at the end of the session.Languages12. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Official writtendocumentation of the Meeting will be available in English and French only.Documents13. The only official documents of the Meeting will be its programme, the list of participants, andinformation notes prepared by the IPU Secretariat.14. Should delegates wish to distribute their own documents or other material pertaining to thesubstance of the Meeting, they may use a table provided for that purpose in the immediate vicinity of themeeting room.Hotel accommodation15. Hotel accommodation in Copenhagen at the time of COP15 is subject to severe restrictions and ispractically unavailable to persons who are not accredited to the intergovernmental Conference as delegatesor observers. To lodge COP15 guests in Copenhagen, the hosts have pre-booked the quasi-totality of hotelrooms within a radius of 60 km of the Bella Conference Centre. For this reason, theorganizers of theParliamentary Meeting cannot provide hotel accommodation in Copenhagen.All parliamentarydelegates are expected to use the official COP15 hotel booking service instead.Requests for further information16. Requests for further information concerning the Parliamentary Meeting on the occasion of COP15should be addressed to:Inter-Parliamentary UnionChemin du Pommier 5Case postale 330CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex / GenevaSwitzerlandPhone: +4122 919 41 50Fax: +4122 919 41 60E-mail: [email protected]